Meeting reports 2011-2015
Below are reports of soil science meetings; please notify us when you have a report of a meeting not listed here.
Celebration of International Year of Soils in Costa Rica: Activities in Costa Rica promoted by Costa Rican Soil Science Society to celebrate the International Year of Soils in the first four months of the year are summarized here:
- Activities in Costa Rica promotes by Costa Rican Soil Science Society (310 kB)
Celebration of International Year of Soils in Costa Rica
30. – 31. March 2015 Doctor honoris causa Awards and Symposium – New paradigms for food security and natural resource
UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
26., 27. March 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Soil trafficability – challenges for soils and vehicles
Tartu, Estonia
Event Website
26.-27. March 2015; IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Soil trafficability – challenges for soils and vehicles
Tartu, Estonia – Event website:
08. – 11. April 2015 Dan Yaalon Symposium
Vienna, Austria
Symposium Website
April 16-17, 2015; IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – international workshop “Soil – An Essential Resource”
Frauenwörth, Frauenchiemsee, Bavaria, Germany.
The international workshop “Soil – An Essential Resource” was held at the Benedictine abbey of Frauenwörth on the island Frauenchiemsee, Bavaria, Germany.
Organized by the “International Expert Group on Earth System Preservation” (IESP, ) and Prof. Kögel-Knabner from the Technische Universität München, a group of 45 well-known scientists, representatives of regulatory agencies, from NGOs, industry and media discussed about the challenges to implement strategies for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources.
Lectures and intensive discussions finally culminated in a significant declaration: >> Information
This declaration highlights the importance of soil for life on earth and points out the imperative of policy, science and administration working together to make sure that soil is used wisely and protected effectively.
19.-23. April 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – The third Global Soil Week
Berlin, Germany – For more details, visit: or Facebook
28. – 30. April and 01. May 2015 SUBSOM Symposium 2015
Raesfeld, Germany
Organic matter storage and turnover in subsoils
Symposium Website
04.-07. May 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Soils sustain life: too slow to form, too quick to lose
Tirana, Albania – Event website:
7.-8. May, 2015 , 1st South America Soil Judging Contest, UFSM campus, Santa Maria, Brazil,
The Pedology Group of the Department of Soil of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, with support from the Brazilian Soil Science Society (South Regional Center) and EMBRAPA carried out the first Brazilian soil identification competition. Students from various institutions in southern Brazil showed their skills in identifying typical soils of the central region of the Southern state of Brazilon the campus of UFSM, May 7-8, 2015.

This type of event, which has already been organized in other countries for a long time, aims to integrate students, teachers and researchers from the Pedology area (responsible for soil genesis studies, identification, collection and classification) through challenging and dynamic activities outside the classroom, and to make young soil scientists aware of the soil characteristics of the region. The competition, which was coordinated by professors of the Department of Soil: Fabricio de Araújo Pedron, Ricardo Bergamo Schenato Simon and Ricardo Diniz Dalmolin, was a success. A future competition is already scheduled for 2016, during the XI South Brazilian Meeting of Soil Science. By

19. – 21. May 2015, Global Soil Security Symposium, Texas A&M University in College Station, TX
Scientists, policy influencers, investors, and citizens met to discuss the need for a new focus on soil security. A report on this event can be downloaded here:

- globalsoilsecuirtysymposiumreport2015-final.pdf (488 kB)
Report on 2015 Global Soil Security Symposium
18-22 May 2015
ESSC international conference Agroecological assessment and functional-environmental optimization of soils and terrestrial ecosystems (AGROFOSTER)
Conference Report
Ivan I. Vasenev
Viacheslav I. Vasenev
Laboratory of agroecological monitoring, modeling and prediction of ecosystems
Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (RTSAU)
Moscow. Russia
Agroecological assessment and functional-environmental optimization of soils and terrestrial ecosystems
held in RTSAU, Moscow (Russia) 18-22 May 2015
1. Introduction
From 18 to 22 May 2015, the Department of Ecology and the Laboratory of agroecological monitoring, modeling and prediction of ecosystems of Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (RTSAU) hosted the ESSC international conference “Agroecological assessment and functional-environmental optimization of soils and terrestrial ecosystems (AGROFOSTER)” in Moscow (Russia).
The Congress was attended by about 90 scientists from 26 countries of Europe, America, Asia and Africa to discuss the new advancements, achievements and challenges in soil and environmental sciences with especial attention on the impacts of soil erosion, degradation, sealing and pollution on the environment as well as adaptation of agricultural and urban ecosystems and land-use to dynamical environmental conditions at the multiple scales. The most recent research results were presented in contest of the development of sustainable and environmental-friendly anthropogenic soils and ecosystems, climate-smart agriculture and best management land-use practices
In the course of the Opening Ceremony several distinguished delegates delivered their opening speeches. These include representatives of scientific, governmental and business communities: C. Dazzi (President of the European Society for Soil Conservation), S. Shoba (President of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Society), V. Nechaev (Rector of RTSAU), Y. Dukhanin (Head of Land Policy and Crop Production Development Department of Moscow Regional government), J. Rubio (Vice Chair of the European Soil Bureau Network – ESBN (JRC, EC, M. Fatiev (“Moszelenstroy” JCS), M. Loktionov (EuroChem corporation), V. Naumov (Dean of Faculty of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, RTSAU) and I. Vasenev (Chair of IUSS Commission 3.1, Department of Ecology, RTSAU and Organizing Committee).
The Conference was supported by the international and national scientific societies and research institutes (International Union of Soil Sciences – IUSS, European Society on Soil Conservation – ESSC, Dokuchaev Soil Science Society – DSSS, Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University – RTSAU, Moscow State University – MSU and Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) and some private agencies working in environmental area (Moszelenstroy, EuroChem, BASF).
The main themes and subjects, that have been presented and discussed by the 4 invited lectures, the 56 oral presentations, the high number of posters presented in the thematic sessions and during the scientific excursion, are summarized in this report.
More information and a comprehensive program of the Conference can be found
31. May – 05. June 2015 18th Congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO 18)
El Paso, Texas
Congress website:
01. – 04. June 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Inaugural global workshop on digital soil morphometrics
Madison, USA
Event website:
02. – 04. June 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Land Quality and Landscape Processes Conference and Workshops
Keszthely, Hungary
University of Pannonia / Joint Research Centre /European Environmental Agency / Chinese Academy of Sciences
Event website:
15. – 17. June 2015 8th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Geological 3D modelling and Soil functions and threats
Congress website:
22. – 25. June 2015 3rd General Assembly of Global Soil Partnership, FAO, Rome, Italy
Event website:
26. – 29. June 2015 Save Our Soils Initiative, IFOAM, WWF and FAO
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Event website:
5. – 10. July 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – ISMOM 2015
Montreal, Canada
Event website:
5th -10th July 2015, Euroclay2015 that was held at Edinburgh University:
Commission 2.4 co-sponsored a symposium workshop on “Clays in the Critical Zone: soils, weathering and elemental cycling”.
The Critical Zone (CZ) symposium was convened by Paul Schroeder, Jason Austin (both from University of Georgia), Bruno Lanson (University of Grenoble) and Steve Banwart (University of Sheffield). The symposium was arguably the most popular symposium at the conference with the oral and poster presentations spread over 4 sessions on two days. Daniel Richter as a keynote speaker provided background and history of the critical zone concept; he further emphasised that how the exchange and contribution of CO2 and O2 from plants and atmosphere to soil system have been largely ignored in the past.
The existing and proposed CZ laboratories offer enormous potential for interdisciplinary research and future research will consider geomorphology in conjunction with geophysics and geochemistry to understand the role of clays in CZ functions. Other oral presentations in the symposium included diverse topics such as the applications of C isotope method to determine soil changes or soil environments, weathering, dissolution and mineral formation in different soil environments, influence of cropping on mineral weathering, mineralogy in relation to the availability of micronutrients, Al-hydroxy interlayered mineral – role in phosphate sorption, formation in soils, influence of particle size on transformation of K-vermiculite to Al-hydroxy mineral, a talk proposing the synthesis of all data on hydoxy-interlayered Al, and sorption-desorption properties of minerals.
All oral and poster sessions were well attended and the symposia chairs deserve an appreciation for a very well organized symposium. The session has spawned a thematic issue of Clays and Clay Minerals with papers dedicated to Critical Zone Science and is expected to appear in 2016.

11. – 12. July 2015 IUSS IYA 2015 Activity – China celebrates International Year of Soils (IYS)
— “Soil and Eco-Environmental Security in China” High-Level, China Hall of Science and Technology, Beijing
Download the report
18. – 27. July International Course in Soil Science applied to Soils in the Mexican Tropics
University of Quintana Roo (UQRoo), The Colegio de Posgraduados campus Tabasco (Col.Pos. Tabasco) and the University of Science and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH)
Report EN
Report ESP
2. – 7. August 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – XXXV Brazilian Congress of Soil Science
Natal City, RN, Brazil
Event website:
17. – 20. August 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – International Soil Conference on Sustainable Uses of Soil in Harmony with Food Security
Phetchaburi, Thailand
This conference is part of the activities to celebrate the International Year of Soils (IYS) as declared by the United Nations, aiming to welcome contributions (oral presentations and posters) from delegates to exchange views and experiences about sustainable uses of soils in order to secure the food production for our societies.
Conference website:
17. – 28. August 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Intensive Training Course on Soil Micromorphology
Zagreb, Croatia
23. – 27. August 2015 Wageningen Soil Conference 2015
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Soil Science in a Changing World
Conference website:
23. – 28. August 2015
Session on Soils and Sediments on the Dioxin 2015 Congress
São Paulo, Brazil
Sources and fate of halogenated organic persistent pollutants in soils and sediments
Conference website:
23. – 29. August 2015
IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – IUSS Commission on Paleopedology and INQUA Project RAISIN Workshop “Soils and Paleosols of Brazil”
Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil
Workshop Website
01. – 05. September 2015
IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – International Field Course and Soil Judging Contest, a Celebration of the IYS
Gödöllő, Hungary
Event Website
15. – 18. September 2015 IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – Pedometrics celebrates the year of the soil
Cordoba, Spain
Event Website
20. – 24. September 2015
IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – 5th International Symposium on soil organic matter
Göttingen, Germany
Symposium Website
23. – 25. September 2015
IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – IUSS Conference to celebrate the International Year of Soils and the 350th Anniversary of Christian Albrechts University.
Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
Soil functions and climate change- do we underestimate the consequences of new disequilibria in soil properties? SUSTAIN 2015
Conference Website
October: 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10
IYS Activity – International University Meeting of Soil Sciences
Event website:
October: 16, 17, 18
International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation (IYFSWC)
Event website:
October: 21, 22
4th European Network on Soil Awareness Meeting
Event website:
October: 21, 22, 23
International Workshop “Lysimeters – separating processes in flux measurement”
Event website:
October: 22, 23, 24
International Congress – Soil and food, resources for a healthy life
Congress Website
October: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
IUSS IYS 2015 Activity – International Symposium on Forest Soils 2015 (ISFS2015): Linking Soil Processes to Forest Productivity and Water Protection under Global Change
Symposium website:
October: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 und November: 01, 02
7th International Conference of the Africa Soil Science Society
Details see:
October: 28, 29, 30
11th Training on Infrared Spectroscopy for Predictions of Soil & Plants Nutrients
Contact: or
December: 1, 2, 3
40th National Congress, Celebration of the IYS and World Soil Day
Italian Society of Soil Science
Congress report: Download
December: 7.
Celebration of the 2015 International Year of Soils – Achievements and Future Challenges, Soil Declaration Vienna
8. – 10. December 2015
2nd International Workshop SOMpatic
“Soil Organic Matter Balance methods as practice-applicable tools for environmental impact assessment and farm management support”
Workshop website:
December: 11, 12
International Symposium on Biodiversity, Agriculture, Environment and Forestry
Fortune Resort Sullivan Court, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Submission of Abstract until 30th October 2015
Symposium website:
1st Afro-Mediterranean Soils Conference: “Constraints and Potentialities for Durable Management”
Fondation OCP and INRA Morocco in partnership with the FAO
18-19. December 2015, Palmeraie Golf Palace, Marrakech
December: 18th
The World Year of Soil was celebrated at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources (GUASUR), Gorgan, Iran with the collaboration of the Iranian Soil Science Society
Read more
Soil Change Matters, Bendigo, Australia, 24-27 March 2014.
The Carbon Management, Technology and Trade Conference 4-6 April 2014, İstanbul, Turkey.
Soil-Waste-Water workshop 3-5 April 2014 Landau Germany
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly April 27 – May 2 2014, Vienna
20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju Island, South Korea, June 8th to 13th, 2014. Theme: Soils Embrace Life and Universe
20th World Congress of Soil Science will be held at the International Convention Center Jeju (ICC Jeju) on Jeju Island, Korea, from June 8th to 13th, 2014. The theme of the conference is Soils Embrace Life and Universe, and the congress is also a celebration of 90 years IUSS. Jeju is an oval-shaped volcanic island with 1,950 meter Halla Mountain in the middle. Jeju is known for its unique volcanic features making the entire island a volcanic museum. Numerous species of plants from polar to subtropical abound, which make it a treasure trove of nearly 1,800 varieties. The website of the 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS) is and you will find valuable information and announcement by the Organizing Committee. We cordially invite you to join us and be part of the 20th World Congress of Soil Science. We hope that you will take this chance to explore one of the most exciting and wonderful countries in the world. We are looking forward to seeing you on Jeju Island. For further information see or e-mail
The 12th French days of soil studies (Journées d’Etude des Sols) will take place in Chambéry (French Alps) from 30th June to 4th July 2014. Call for papers is open till 15th April. Field tours are available on 30th June and 4th July. The official language of the conference is French. French speaking students and young researchers from foreign countries may apply for a grant at: URL of the conference :
XII Congress of the Croatian Society of Soil Science Dubrovnik, September 22-26, 2014.
Soil-Forming Processes and their Rates: Invitation to Workshop and Field Trip in the Mojave Desert, 26-31 Oct 2014. Organized by IUSS Commission 1.6 and INQUA Project Group RAISIN; contact: Eric Mc Donald (Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, ) and Daniela Sauer (TU Dresden, Germany, ).
Turkish Soil science Society (SSST) and the Eurasian Federation of Soil Science Societies: 9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, in Side, Antalya / Turkey on October 14 – 16, 2014
6th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, 11-14 November, 2014, Nanjing, China.
XX Latinoamerican Soil Science Congress will be organized by the Latinoamerican Soil Science Society (SLCS) and the Peruvian Soil Science Society (SPCS) in Cuzco Peru from 9-15 November 2014.
First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, Dijon, France, 2-5 December 2014.
ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, Long Beach, California, USA, 2-5 November 2014.
First International Controlled Traffic Farming Conference, 25– 27 February 2013. Empire Theatre, Toowoomba, Australia
13th ISSPA (International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis) Queenstown New Zealand,7th -12th April 2013.
3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Sensing, 26‐29 May 2013. Pstdam, Germany. gwpss2013
IUSS Global Soil Carbon Workshop, 3-6 June 2013, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Website
LuWQ2013, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality: Reducing Effects of Agriculture; 10-13 June 2013, The Hague, the Netherlands,
XVII Conference of the International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO) “Environmental Sustainability through Soil Conservation”, 08 - 12 July 2013, Medellin, Colombia
XIIth International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology, 10-15 August 2013, Kursk & Voronezh regions, Russia. Website:
Pedometrics 2013 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya 26-31 August 2013
Soil-Waste-Water 2013 workshop, 3-5 April 2014 in Landau, Germany.
The International Conference Four Decades of Progress in Monitoring and Modeling of Processes in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System: Applications and Challenges, Naples (Italy), 19-20 June 2013.
The 6th Annual International ESP (Ecosystem Service Partnership) Conference 2013, 26-30 August 2013, Bali, Indonesia.
Commission 3.6 conference "Utilization and protection of halophytes and salt-affected landscapes" 4-6 September 2013, Kecskemét, Hungary
7th Int. Conference on Urban Soils, SUITMA7, 16-20 September 2013, Torun, Poland.
22nd Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone symposium, 20-22 September 2013, Laşi, Romania.
Workshop "Rates of Soil Forming Processes in Mediteranean Climate", 24-28 September 2013, Calabria and Basilicata, South Italy.
First International Conference on Global Food Security, 29 September - 2 October 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
Soils in Space in Time - First Divisional 1 Conference of IUSS, September 30th – October 4th 2013, , Ulm/Danube, Germany.
Workshop on Soils and Dust in the Mediterranean, 4-5 October 2013, Ulm/Germany, organized in the frame of the First Division 1 Conference “Soils in Space in Time”
The 10th Meeting of the Brazilian Chapter (EBSH) of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) October 14 – 18, 2013, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, Brazil with theme “Natural Organic Matter and Environmental Quality”
GlobalSoilMap Conference, 7-9 October 2013, Orléans, France
11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), 21 - 24th October 2013, Bogor, West Java,
ASA, CSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, Tampa, Florida (3-6 November 2013)
Planet Under Pressure, 26-29 March 2012, London, UK.
XIX Latin American Congress and XXIII Argentine Congress of Soil Science, 16-20 April 2012, Mar del Plata, Argentina
The Fifth Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, 10-13 April 2012 Sydney, Australia
Symposium on “Soil Science Through History” at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, Austria from April 22-27.
The 8th International Symposium Agro Environ, 1 - 4 May 2012 Wageningen, the Netherlands
IUSS Inter-Congress Council Meeting, 3-8 June 2012 Jeju, Korea
17th International Nitrogen Workshop 26 - 29 June 2012, Wexford, Ireland.
EuroSOIL 2-6 July 2012, Bari, Italy
Second international Conference on Hydropedology, 22-27 July 2012 Leipzig, Germany
VI Congress of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Society. Petrozavodsk, 13-17 August 2012. For more information email
7th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference, 26-31 August 2012 Vaasa, Finland.
8th international symposium on plant soil interaction at low pH, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, INDIA 18-22 October 2012
International Workshop “Mediterranean palaeosols: evidence of the continuous interplay between climatic and event driven pedogenesis, with a special focus on the role played by dust inputs”, 10-12 October 2012 in Florence, Italy. See website
International Workshop “Rates of soil forming processes – achievements, challenges, research gaps”, 5-8 November 2012 in Charlotte (North Carolina, USA). See website
Soil solutions for diverse landscapes 2-7 December, Hobart, Australia