Meetings & Events


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​The outbreak of the Corona virus is clearly a rapidly evolving situation. The organisers of the meetings listed below will be constantly reviewing the situation in the light of global and country-specific advice to inform decisions to minimise the additional risks to attendees, their communities and those living in the meeting’s host country.

​The IUSS will also continue to monitor the situation, and advise that prior to attending meetings our members review up to date information from their country’s government, the WHO and from the host country to ensure that everyone’s health and wellbeing remains a priority.​​

Soil Science Society of Ireland (SSSI) & British Soil Science Society (BSSS) joint Annual Conference 2023
Monday, 4. December 2023 to Tuesday, 5. December 2023


The theme is Soil Management and Monitoring, and it will be a great opportunity to see the latest research and developments within soil science. We have now confirmed the programme for our Annual Conference, including a soil policy session with representatives from the English, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh governments to provide an overview of soil monitoring and management activities being undertaken at a governmental level.

Registration for both our joint Annual Conference with the Soil Science Society of Ireland and our Early Careers' Conference is open so book now to secure your place.

We have also reopened submissions for poster presentations at both conferences, so there is still a chance to present your latest research.

To have your abstract considered, enter it via the submission form by Friday 13 October.

Read More:

Brazilian Soil Science Society (XI SBES)
Monday, 4. December 2023 to Friday, 8. December 2023


XI Soil Education Symposium (XI SBES) will be promoted by the MidWest Regional Nucleus of SBCS and carried out by the Palmeiras de Goiás Unit of the State University of Goiás (UEG), in partnership with the State University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) and other institutions.

Read more:

British Society of Soil Science
Wednesday, 6. December 2023 to Thursday, 7. December 2023


Early Careers’ Conference

The conference will take place immediately after the BSSS Annual Conference and will be free of charge for BSSS Early Career members. A wide range of Early Career members from academia, industry, and policy will come together for a variety of themed sessions, including talks, posters, and workshops. The conference theme is Soil Management and Monitoring.

Read More: British Society of Soil Science - 2023 Early Careers' Conference 

Monday, 11. December 2023 to Friday, 15. December 2023


Theme: Wide open Science.

Abstract submission:  June 7, 2023

Abstract submissions close: August 2, 2023

Meeting registration open:  August 2, 2023

Authors are notified of the acceptance: October 2023

The official online scientific program is released: October 2023 Read more:  AGU Fall Meeting 2023



Archaeological Soil Micromorphology course
Saturday, 10. February 2024 to Saturday, 17. February 2024


Last Booking Date for this event: 31st January 2024

Read more:

International Lysimeter- & Ecotron-Workshop
Tuesday, 19. March 2024 to Thursday, 21. March 2024


Registration: until September 30 you will receive a 10% discount!


16th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS 2024)
Tuesday, 26. March 2024 to Friday, 29. March 2024


Deadline for Abstract Submission is 30th November 2023.

For further inquiries please contact email:




Centennial Celebration and Congress of the IUSS 100 years of soil science - past achievements and future challenges
Sunday, 19. May 2024 to Tuesday, 21. May 2024



Sponsor Downloads:



Canadian Society of Soil Science CSSS 2024 CONFERENCE
Sunday, 9. June 2024 to Thursday, 13. June 2024


Soil Functions for Future Generations

The theme of the 2024 annual conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science is Soil Functions for Future GenerationsThis theme encourages soil scientists to think about how we can safeguard the vital resource of soil into the future and how we can ensure that the many functions of soil are continued on into perpetuity.

Read more:


5th International Conference of Young Scientists – Soil in the Environment (SITE)
Sunday, 16. June 2024 to Wednesday, 19. June 2024


Important dates

March 1st , 2024: Deadline for registration

March 25th , 2024: Deadline for conference fee payment

April 1st , 2024: Deadline for the articles and abstracts submission

April 15th , 2024: 2nd Announcement and final conference programme

Download: site-warsaw2024 (

XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Sunday, 23. June 2024 to Saturday, 29. June 2024


IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (


The deadline for submission of abstracts is 2 June 2023:

Call for Congress Abstracts | IUFRO Stockholm 2024 ( 

3rd International Symposium in Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES 2024)
Tuesday, 25. June 2024 to Friday, 28. June 2024


Deadline for Abstract Submission is 31st January 2024.

For further inquiries please contact email:




Soil Science of China Inter-Congress 2024 - Congress Theme: Soil Health for Future Generations
Tuesday, 1. October 2024 to Thursday, 31. October 2024


The 6th International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation
Organized by Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSAS)
Soil Science Society of China (SSSC)
Jiangsu Environmental Protection Group Co., LTD
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS)
More on:

ISMOM 2024 - 9th International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms (IUSS Division 2, Commission 2.5)
Tuesday, 15. October 2024 to Friday, 18. October 2024


Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 1 2024
Website (temporal):
For further inquiries please contact email: 


IUSS Alerts

The monthly IUSS Newsletter - The IUSS Alert:

To read the most recent IUSS Alert,follow this link!
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Meetings & Events

The fully packed IUSS Event Calendar

If you want to submit an event
send an email to

Page created: 20.07.2014 | Page updated: 18.12.2022

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