International Decade of Soils

IUSS proclaims the International Decade of Soils 2015-2024
In the Vienna Soil Declaration of Dec. 7, 2015, the IUSS has identified the key roles played by soils in addressing the major resource, environmental, health and social problems which humanity is currently facing. Given this situation, the IUSS believes that it is incumbent on IUSS members to not only maintain the level of activity generated in IYS 2015 but to increase the momentum and the extent of our contributions on these issues as we move towards the Centenary of the IUSS formation in 2024. In the course of the highly successful conference ‘Celebration of International Year of Soils 2015 – Achievements and Future Challenges’ the International Decade of Soils 2015-2024 was proclaimed by Rainer Horn, IUSS President.
The Executive Committee and the Council of the IUSS will play a pivotal role in setting overall objectives and directions during this period. However, it is essential that all Divisions, Commissions, Working Groups, National, Regional and individual Members but also experts of related fields of expertise accept the challenge to undertake activities to ensure that the significance of soils in maintaining healthy life and environment remain continually at the forefront of political and scientific planning and decision making.
The International Decade of Soils shall thus be a continuation of the efforts made during the International Year of the Soils 2015. It will be marked by a number of activities on the national and international levels.
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- vienna_soil_declaration_december_7_.pdf (283 kB)
- declara____o_de_viena.pdf (35 kB)
- vienna_soil_declaration_december_7_german.pdf (287 kB)
- vienna_soil_declaration_december_7_espanol.pdf (283 kB)
- vienna_soil_declaration_in_japanese.pdf (187 kB)
Vienna Soil Declaration December 7th 2015
Vienna Soil Declaration December 7th 2015 - Portuguese Version
Vienna Soil Declaration December 7th 2015 - German Version
Vienna Soil Declaration December 7th 2015 - Spanish Version
Vienna Soil Declaration December 7th 2015 - Japanese Version
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International Decade of Soils
International Decade of Soils
International Decade of Soils
International Decade of Soils
International Decade of Soils
International Decade of Soils
IUSS – FAO – GSP children’s book co published 2021 and 2022
“The magical world of soil biodiversity” A collection of 10 children´s stories from around the world. 2021. © FAO and IUSS.
“Salty soils adventures” A collection of 10 children´s stories from around the world. 2022. © FAO and IUSS.
IUSS – FAO – GSP children’s book contests 2020 and 2021
In the framework of World Soil Day (WSD), FAO, IUSS and GSP launched:
In 2020, a scientific children’s book contest on Soil Biodiversity with the motto “Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity”.
In 2021, a scientific children’s book contest on salt-affected soils with the motto “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity”.
IUSS GOES TO THE SCHOOL educative project
The IUSS GOES TO THE SCHOOL educative project edited and published 12 children’s books in English and Spanish, and some in Polish or Portuguese.
22 Crop cards for children and teachers in English, Spanish and German:
IUSS Calendar ‘Soilutions’ available
IUSS considers stopping soil degradation as one of its most important tasks, and invited to propose ‘Soilutions’ in the form of a poster in order to preserve this unique resource and life itself.
The ideas and proposals should represent the role of the soil as an essential natural resource to preserve the environment. This is very relevant for reaching many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The contest was an initiative under the umbrella of the International Decade of Soils 2015-2024 which shall contribute to increase the awareness about the importance of soil.
Based on the best 12 posters a permanent calendar was produced, which can be downloaded here:
- iuss_calendar_def_downsized.pdf (36 MB)
IDS Calender
If you want to print the calendar, please download this version:
- iuss_calendar_def_printing_version.pdf (59 MB)
IDS Calender - Print Version
Winners of the IUSS-FAO-GSP Children’s Book Contest on Soil Biodiversity
IUSS, FAO and GSP received over 100 books from 60 countries for the contest. Launched in the run-up to WSD2020, the book contest on soil biodiversity gave visibility to the importance of soil organisms and raised awareness on the urgency of protecting soil biodiversity.
In the framework of World Soil Day 2020 IUSS, FAO and GSP are pleased to announce the winners of the Children’s Book Contest on Soil Biodiversity.
Congratulations to the winners and finalists and a big thank you to all participants! Read more:
IUSS – FAO – GSP children’s book contest on Soil Biodiversity
In the framework of World Soil Day (WSD) 2020, FAO, IUSS and GSP launched a scientific children's book contest on Soil Biodiversity with the motto "Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity". FAO, IUSS and GSP invite all those interested in soil and biodiversity - soil scientists, researchers, professors, teachers, classrooms, individual students, soil practitioners, designers, photographers or experts from any professional background - to submit their freestyle book proposal by 10 November 2020. In the submission email, author(s) must fill out and submit the mandatory Registration form. The winner will receive a cash prize of 1 000 USD, second and third prize will receive a cash prize of 500 USD and 250 USD respectively from IUSS and FAO’s GSP. The winners will be announced on World Soil Day, 5 December 2020.
Read more:
Results of IUSS Poster Contest ‘Soilutions’ to solve soil degradation problems
IUSS considers stopping soil degradation as one of its most important tasks, and invited to propose ‘Soilutions’ in the form of a poster in order to preserve this unique resource and life itself.
The ideas and proposals should represent the role of the soil as an essential natural resource to preserve the environment. This is very relevant for reaching many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The contest was an initiative under the umbrella of the International Decade of Soils 2015-2024 which shall contribute to increase the awareness about the importance of soil.
IUSS received 42 posters which were evaluated by a Committee. After the evaluation results were approved by the Executive Committee, the IUSS awarded Hernández Huerta Aldo Alfredo (Mexico) with 1,000 USD for the best ‘Soilutions’ poster and Richard Gantlett (United Kingdom) and the group of M.A. Samarasekara, A.G.S.D. De Silva and R. Thusyanthini (all Sri Lanka) with 500 USD each for the second and third best posters. The best 12 posters plus a cover poster shall be used to produce a ‘Soilutions’ calendar.
IUSS thanks all contestants and congratulates the winners!
- winner_soilutions_poster_contest_2019_min.pdf (915 kB)
Winning posters: Results of IUSS Poster Contest Soilutions to solve soil degradation problems
IUSS Global Soil Icon Contest – results
Soil is the essence of all terrestrial life, and critical to the delivery of major ecosystem services for human wellbeing and nature conservancy. Thus, IUSS launched a contest looking for an iconic symbol that represents major ecosystem services of soil, while being simple and easy to be comprehended by the general public.
The deadline for submissions was 15 March 2018, and a total of 22 interesting soil icons were received. Here, the IUSS Secretariat would like to thank all contestants for their stimulating submissions. The selection committee, comprised of members of the IUSS Executive Committee, decided to award 2,500 USD of the IUSS Stimulus fund to the winning soil icon created by Monique Lima de Oliveira and Alessandro Samuel-Rosa (Brazil).
The winning icon will be used during the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), an initiative launched by the International Union of Soil Sciences to raise awareness of the key roles played by soils.
The best 12 icons out of all submitted icons will be displayed on the IUSS website (one per month).
Read more:
Read more (Italian translation):

Activities of Soil Science Societies and Soil Institutions
Soils in Landscapes of the World – 2018 Calendar
This 2018 Calendar showing Soils in Landscapes of the World was designed in the Department of Soil Science and Landscape Management, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, to celebrate 2018 as the next year of the FAO UNESCO International Decade of Soils (2015-2024) and also the 100 anniversary of the Polish Geographical Society (1918-2018). Authors of the photos: Marcin Switoniak (tundra and mountain landscapes) and Michal Jankowski (others)
- calendar_2018_-_soils_300dpi.jpg (13 MB)
Soils in Landscapes of the World – 2018 Calendar
Latin-American Soil Science Society and the Latin-American network for soil science teaching & learning:
Thus are Soils of my Nation!
Based on the FAO Global Soil Partnership and the International Decade of Soils, the program Thus are Soils of my Nation – an educational project of the Latin-American Soil Science Society and the Latin-American network for soil science teaching & learning – would like to invite the global soil community and the general public to participate in an awareness campaign about the value of the soil for life.
The goal is to create a “Soil’s Friends Virtual Network”, in which all people who are interested globally collaborate on diverse levels to educate and generate public awareness of the need to preserve the soil as an essential part of the environmental balance.
Download Information:
- iuss_text_20160413_final.pdf (296 kB)