The three favourite soil science books of:

Peter Leinweber (Germany)

1. Scheffer & Schachtschabel Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde

This is the standard textbook of soil science in German language. It goes back to the year 1937 as part of a textbook in Agricultural Chemistry. The 15th print run appeared in 2002, edited by Schachtschabel, Blume, Br mmer, Hartge, and Schwertmann. Actually a new edition is being written. This is a comprehensive text book which provides me with in-depth information on all aspects in soil science. I consult it for preparation of lectures, but also if I want to get an overview on topics in soil science aside from my every day research work. The references lists at chapter ends are a valuable first approach to which I consult and try to read before doing a web-based literature search. Overall, this is the most useful book for my work in teaching and research.

2. Donald L. Sparks. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods (Soil Science Society of America Book Series, No. 5) . Throughout my scientific career it was a challenge to introduce new chemical-analytical methods in the laboratories where I worked. I found the book series Methods of Soil Analysis always very useful. Due to my specialisation in soil science more often I used the descriptions of mineralogical and chemical methods that those of biological methods. The periodical revisions and updates make these books a timeless instrument in soil research. Introductions and discussions are valuable to get more information on the subjects and potential and limitations of a certain method. Also I used information from this book for preparation of lectures and laboratory exercises.

3. Les Molloy The living mantle Soils in the New Zealand Landscape . I like this book because it shows the beauty of landscapes and soils. In my view it is the best introduction into the soils and the geological basis of pedogenesis on a regional scale. Unfortunately, I have never been to New Zealand, but studying this book it seems to me that the beauty of landscape and the diversity of soils would more than compensate for the long journey. Thus this third of my favourite soil science books was chosen for an emotional reason rather than for its use in every day scientific work.


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