"The Future of Soil Science"

The Future of Soil Science"The Future of Soil Science" contains the views from 55 soil scientists in 28 countries – from Finland to South Africa, from Canada to Ghana, Malaysia and China. The result is a palette of opinions and views reflecting great diversity but also several commonalities. It aims to feed the discussion of the pessimists (“pedology is dead and buried”) and the optimists (“future for soil science is brighter than ever”), and makes background reading for the 18th World Congress of Soil Science in Philadelphia, USA. This book is compulsory reading for anyone interested in soil science and its future directions.

© IUSS 2006
PO Box 353, 6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands. The Future of Soil Science / edited by Alfred E Hartemink (1964). Wageningen: IUSS International Union of Soil Sciences, 165 pp. ISBN 90-71556-16-6.

The book was freely available for all participants of the 18th World Congress of Soil Science in Philadelphia, in 2006.

The book costs €25 (including postage) – please transfer to:
Postbus 353, 6700 AJ Wageningen
The Netherlands

Account number: 4088603
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Postbank, Financial Plaza
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In Dutch:
Giro 4088603 t.n.v. ISSS Wageningen o.v.v. The Future of Soil Science Book
You will receive the book when the money has been transferred. If you have any questions send an e-mail to

Download it right here as PDF in English
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Anderson, Darwin (Canada), Arnalds, Olafur (Iceland), Arnold, Dick (USA), Baveye, Philippe (USA), Bekunda, Mateete (Uganda), Blum, Winfried (Austria), Borggaard, Ole (Denmark), Bouma, Johan (Netherlands), Breuning-Madsen, Henrik (Denmark), Burghardt, Wolfgang (Germany), Coughlan, Kep (Cambodia), Dobos, Endre (Hungary), Dumanski, Julian (Canada), Eswaran, Hari (USA), Fowler, Richard (South Africa), Frossard, Emmanuel (Switzerland), Gachene, C. (Kenya), Grunwald, Sabine (USA), Hartemink, Alfred (Netherlands), Hartmann, Christian (France), Ibáñez, Juan José (Spain), Kalra, Yash (Canada), Kapur, Selim (Turkey), King, Dominique (France), Kirk, Guy (United Kingdom), Kirkham, Mary Beth (USA), Lal, Rattan (USA), Lin, Henry (USA), Makeschin, Franz (Germany), McBratney, Alex (Australia), McKenzie, Neil (Australia), Mermut, Ahmet (Canada), Minhas, P.S. (India), Nieder, Rolf (Germany), Noble, Andrew (Malaysia), Nortcliff, Stephen (United Kingdom), Petersen, Gary (USA), Pla Sentís, Ildefonso (Spain), Powlson, David (United Kingdom), Rao, D.L.N. (India), Rashid, Abdul (Pakistan), Ryan, John (Syria), Samra, J.S. (India),Shi, Xuezheng (China), Sparks, Don (USA), Swift, Roger (Australia), Targulian, Victor (Russia), Thiombiano, Lamourdia (Ghana), van Meirvenne, Marc (Belgium), Várallyay, György (Hungary), Weber, Jerzy (Poland), Wessolek, Gerd (Germany), Yli-Halla, Markku (Finland), Zhang, Fusuo (China), Zhou, Jianmin (China)

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