19th WCSS Brisbane - Title H-N


Hairy Vetch and Rye as Cover Crops to Reduce Soil Erosion from Sloped Land in Highland Agriculture Ryu Jong-Soo Symposium 3.2.1
Harvest equipment and soil erosion in a macadamia orchard Dalby Tina Symposium 3.1.2
HarvestPlus: Developing and delivering micronutrient-dense crops Pfeiffer Wolfgang H. Congress Symposium 5
Have agronomic field trials provided sufficient data to predict soil carbon sequestration rates? Sanderman Jonathan Congress Symposium 4
Heavy metal concentration in crops and soils collected from intensively cultivated areas of Sri Lanka Premarathna Herath H .M. P. L. Symposium 3.5.1
Heavy metal contamination of soils from organic paddy fields in Thailand Chinoim Nanthana Symposium 3.5.1
Heavy metal contamination of water bodies, soils and vegetables in peri urban areas of Bangalore city of India Lakki Reddy Varalakshmi Symposium 4.2.2
Heavy metal contents and chemical speciations in sewage-irrigated soils from the eastern suburb of Beijing, China Zhao Ye Symposium 3.5.1
Heavy metals distribution in soil particle size fractions from a mining area from southeast of Spain Martinez-Martinez Silvia Symposium 3.5.2
Highlighting processes involved in mobility and bioavailability of zinc within contaminated substrates: Multiple approaches Couder Eleonore Symposium 3.5.1
Hippuric acid effect on N2O emissions from cow urine patches at a range of soil temperatures Bertram Janet Congress Symposium 4
Historical approach of the role of earthworms and termites in soil functioning Blanchart Eric Symposium 4.5.1
Holocene volcanic soils in the Mt. Gambier region, South Australia Takesako Hiroshi Symposium 1.3.1
How an advanced combination of soil science, biogeochemistry, and paleo-ecology helps Ecuadorian cloud forest management Jansen Boris Working Group 3.2
How do microaggregates stabilize soil organic matter? Fazle Rabbi Sheikh Mohammad Congress Symposium 4
How does surface soil geomorphology and land-use influence the soil microbial ecosystems in south eastern Australia? Insights gained from DNA sequencing of the soil metagenome. Mele Pauline Symposium 1.2.2
How farmers' observations may assist in scientific research? Magesan G N Division Symposium 3.2
How soil forming processes determine viticultural zoning in Catalonia, Spain Ubalde Josep Miquel Symposium 1.4.2
How soil geographic databases and resource inventories have been used to better understand ecosystem functioning: an example from Australia Bui Elisabeth Symposium 1.2.2
How the different tree species composition canalter throughfall, chemical properties of subsurface run off and soil chemistry Kulhavy Jiri Symposium 1.1.1
Human and ecological risk assessment of contaminated sites-Key knowledge gaps Naidu Ravi Division Symposium 4.2
Human health problems related to trace element deficiencies in soil Steinnes Eiliv Division Symposium 4.2
Hydric halitic sulfuric soils in secondary salinised landscapes of Southwest Western Australia Degens Brad Working Group 3.1
Hydrodynamic behaviour of Segura River basin soils: Effects of texture and moisture contents Navarro Antonio Sanchez Symposium 2.1.2
Hydrodynamic characterization of BOF slags through numerical inversion of evaporation experiment and through water infiltration experiments: a comparison Yilmaz Deniz Working Group 3.3
Hydrogeological landscapes � an expert system for salinity management Jenkins Brian Symposium 4.1.1
Hydrological and erosional responses in woody plant encroachment areas of semi-arid south-eastern Australia Munoz Carlos Symposium 2.1.1
Hydrological and land use control on N export sensitivity to climate in three adjacent watersheds Jiang Rui Symposium 4.2.2
Hydro-pedotransfer functions for predicting the effective annual capillary rise Wessolek Gerd Symposium 2.1.1


ICP determination of phosphorous in soils and plants Ivanov Krasimir Working Group 1.5
Identification criteria for fougerite and nature of the interlayered anion Bourrie Guilhem Symposium 2.4.2
Identification of regional priorities for conservation and production in forest areas in SE Asia Mantel Stephan Symposium 3.1.2
Identifying spatial variability of subsoil constraints using multiyear remote sensing and electromagnetic induction Dang Yash Division Symposium 3.1
Identifying the Impact of Acid Sulfate Soils on a Humic Boreal Lake Toivonen Janne Working Group 3.1
Image analysis of differently managed clayey surface soils of Finland Rasa Kimmo Symposium 2.1.2
Immobilization of cadmium and lead in biosolids as affected by lime, red mud, fly ash and bentonite addition Chuasavathi Thammared Symposium 3.5.1
Immobilization of perfluorooctane sulfonate on modified natural materials: Remediation strategy for contaminated soils Das Piw Symposium 3.5.2
Immobilization of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP: a stable inoculant for the bioremediation of atrazine Stelting Scott Symposium 2.4.2
Impact of addition of various resource quality inputs on soil CO2 flux and C balance in a tropical dryland agroecosystem Ghoshal Nandita Congress Symposium 4
Impact of aeolian sediments on pedogenesis - examples from the fringe area of the Saharan desert Jahn Reinhold Symposium 1.6.1
Impact of clay mineralogy on stabilisation of organic matter in the clay fraction of a Neo-Luvisol and a Cambisol Caner Laurent Symposium 2.4.1
Impact of conservation agriculture on runoff, soil loss and crop yield on a Vertisol in the northern Ethiopian highlands Araya Tesfay Symposium 2.1.1
Impact of drainage on soil evolution: A morphological quantitative approach Sophie Cornu Symposium 1.1.2
Impact of forest soil compaction on soil atmosphere composition Goutal Noemie Working Group 3.2
Impact of land use and hydrology on the soil characteristics and productivity in highland agriculture with watershed approach Sharma Uttam chand Symposium 3.2.1
Impact of land use changes on soil carbon pools, gross nitrogen fluxes and nitrifying and denitrifying communities Recous Sylvie Symposium 4.3.1
Impact of long-term application of phosphate fertilizer on cadmium accumulation in crops Grant Cynthia Symposium 3.5.1
Impact of Mn-ore mining on heavy metal accumulation in the soils and vegetables nearby in Hunan Province, China Wu Xiao-Hong Symposium 3.5.1
Impact of potassium humate on selected chemical properties of an acidic soil Amjad Ali Symposium 2.2.2
Impact of short rotation forestry on soil ecological services Lamersdorf Norbert Symposium 4.3.1
Impact of soil amendments on organic carbon pools under a rice-wheat cropping system Senapati Nimai Symposium 2.2.2
Impact of soil organic carbon content on soil filtering capacity solutes Burger Anna Symposium 3.2.2
Impact of soil texture and organic matter content on mitc volatilization from soil columns Simpson Catherine R. Symposium 4.1.2
Impact of Tillage and Maize Cropping System on the Physical Properties of a Kaolinitic Soil in the Brazilian Coastal Tablelands Fernandes Marcelo Symposium 3.2.1
Impact of tree species on the distribution of amorphous silica in an acid brown soil Cornelis Jean-Thomas Working Group 3.2
Impacts of conversion from forestry to pasture on soil physical properties of Vitrands (Pumice Soils) in central North Island, New Zealand Paripovich Djuro Symposium 4.3.1
Impacts of long-term intensive potato production and conservation terraces/grassed waterway on runoff hydrology and soil quality Chow Lien Symposium 4.1.2
Impacts of long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage management of spring wheat-lentil cropping systems in dryland Eastern Montana, USA, on fungi associated to soil aggregation Caesar-TonThat TheCan Congress Symposium 2
Impacts of nitrogen additions and harvest residue management on chemical composition of soil carbon in a plantation forest Huang Zhiqun Working Group 3.2
Impacts of sea level rise on the biogeochemistry of a coastal floodplain in eastern Australia Wong Vanessa N. L. Division Symposium 2.1
Impacts of Sodic Soil Amelioration on Deep Drainage Reading Lucy Symposium 2.1.1
Impacts of soil compaction by livestock on crop productivity� a modelling analysis Bell Lindsay Symposium 3.1.2
Impacts of soil moisture on trace gas emissions from grassland: a case study on grassland in Northern Ireland Hepp Simone Congress Symposium 4
Impacts of winery wastewater irrigation on soil and groundwater at a winery land application site Quayle Wendy Symposium 2.2.2
Implementation of a new algorithm for Clapas in R language in order to improve efficiency of soil survey Lehmann Sebastien Working Group 1.3
Implications of minimum till dryland cropping systems for diagnostic P and K soil tests Moody Philip Division Symposium 3.2
Implications of soil resources for vegetable crop options and agronomic practice for sustainable production - a comparison of Eastern Highlands and Central Provinces, Papua New Guinea Birch Colin Symposium 1.2.2
Importance of subsurface soil pockets for plant growth in a karst environment Estrada-Medina Hector Symposium 1.6.2
Improved hydropedological identification of soil salinity types in upland South Australia using seasonal trends in soil electrical conductivity Thomas Mark Working Group 1.2
Improvement of physical and chemical properties of Hungarian sandy soils by adding organic and inorganic amendments Szegi Tamas Andras Symposium 3.4.2
In search of cyanobacteria strains with bioconditioning and biofertilization effects for degraded soils in the semi arid and arid areas of South Africa. Maqubela Mfundo Phakama Symposium 3.3.1
In situ determination of NO and N2O from cow-urine applied to a pasture soil under summer conditions Khan Shabana Congress Symposium 4
In situ soil water repellency is affected by soil water potential rather than by water content as revealed by periodic field observations on a hill slope in a Japanese humid-temperate forest Kajiura Masako Symposium 2.1.1
In situ temporal and spatial monitoring of the structure of a compacted and cultivated loamy soil by the 2D ERT method Maud Seger Working Group 1.5
Incorporating groundnut into the maize-based smallholder farming systems in semi-arid Limpopo province, RSA Odhiambo Jude Symposium 4.2.1
Increase in ground cover under a paddock scale rotational grazing experiment in South-east Queensland Sanjari Gholamreza Symposium 3.2.1
Increase sorption endosulfan by soil amendments and its effects on retention and leaching from soil Chorom Mostafa Working Group 3.5
Increases in Available Water Content of Soils by Applying Bagasse-charcoals Kameyama Koji Symposium 2.1.1
Increasing Water Efficiency in Greenhouse Cooling system in Arid Regions Using Sulfur Burning Technology Soaud Abdou Symposium 3.2.1
Indicator of reduction in soils (IRIS) for wetland identification in Queensland Bryant Kelly Division Symposium 2.1
Indices of the status of freshwater resources for impact analyses Herath Indika K. Symposium 4.2.2
Indigenous technology for adapting to water logging situation for sustainable livelihood security in low lying areas of Bangladesh Hossain Md. Altaf Symposium 3.1.2
In-Field Visualisation of Water Infiltration and Soluble Salt Transport Rozanov Andrei Working Group 1.2
Infillings in irrigated soils cultivated with annual and perennial crops in the Apodi Plateau, Northeastern Brazil Oliveira Teogenes Symposium 3.1.2
Influence of adding Pb to soil on the growth of wheat seedlings Du Yan Symposium 4.1.2
Influence of Amendments and Soil Roughness on Nutrient Transport from Soil under Different Rainfall Intensities Ahmad Zahoor Symposium 3.2.1
Influence of different K fertilizer sources on sunflower production Asadi Safoora Congress Symposium 5
Influence of earthworms on the growth of cotton and wheat plants in contrasting soil types Baker Geoff Congress Symposium 2
Influence of feedstock and production conditions on biochar stability (short and long-term) and soil functional attributes Cross Andrew Working Group 4.1
Influence of inorganic and organic amendments for mine soils reclamation on spontaneous vegetation colonization and metal plant bioaccumulation Carmona Dora M. Symposium 3.5.1
Influence of land use systems on soil resources in northern Thailand Wicharuck Suwimon Symposium 3.2.1
Influence of land use change and water management on soil properties and water quality from combined geomodelling and geochemical modelling Jan Anthony Symposium 1.5.1
Influence of N and K fertilisation on yield and quality of oats hay and grain in Western Australia Malik Raj Symposium 3.3.1
Influence of percolation pattern on growth and yields of rice plants and uptake of cadmium with soil dressing models Paul Shyamal Kumar Symposium 3.5.1
Influence of pore size distribution and soil water content on N2O response curves Van der Weerden Tony Congress Symposium 4
Influence of sewage sludge application in the recovery of a degraded quartzpisament Guerrini Ira Division Symposium 3.2
Influence of Soil Profile Characteristics on the Efficiency of Water Management Practice in Northeast Florida Deb Sanjit K. Symposium 2.1.1
Influence of temperature on solutes release from organic horizons in Siberian permafrost terrain Kawahigashi Masayuki Symposium 2.2.1
Influence of the pig manure-based liquid fertilizers on the water quality properties in an agricultural catchment with different land uses Kim Min-Kyeong Symposium 4.2.2
Influence of wastewater application and fertilizer use on the quality of irrigation water, soil and food crops: Case Studies from Northwestern India Aulakh Milkha Symposium 4.1.2
Influences of Applying Biosolids on the Characteristics of Five Alkaline Soil Series and Biomass of Switchgrass Lai Hung-Yu Symposium 2.2.1
Insights into the processes and effects of root-induced changes to soil hydraulic properties Scanlan Craig Symposium 2.1.2
Integrated Nutrient Management for Increased Cabbage Production in Volcanic Soil in Cabintan, Leyte, Philippines Tulin Anabella Symposium 3.3.1
Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production, improving crop quality and soil health, and minimizing environmental pollution Aulakh Milkha S. Symposium 4.1.2
Integrated soil fertility management: Operational definition and consequences for implementation and dissemination Vanlauwe B Symposium 3.3.1
Integrating physical and chemical techniques to characterise soil micro-sites Otten Wilfred Working Group 1.2
Integrating soil and water resources in local development framework : the ASTUCE & TIC program Trolard Fabienne Division Symposium 2.2
Intensity and duration of waterlogging under rice crop estimated by micromorphology and mineralogy Kovda Irina Division Symposium 2.1
Interaction between Reductive Transformation of 2-Nitrophenol and Adsorbed Fe(II) Species Tao Liang Symposium 2.4.2
Interaction of enzymes with soil colloids: adsorption and ectomycorrhizal phosphatase activity on tropical soils Kedi Brice Symposium 2.5.1
Interaction of mercury contaminated soils with iron oxides and potential remediation of river/runoff/storm water by an aquatic plant Han Fengxiang X. Symposium 3.5.1
Interactions between bio-fertilizers and the production of oats without irrigation in Chihuahua, Mexico Amado Jesus Symposium 3.2.1
Interactions between rhizosphere microorganisms and plants governing iron and phosphorus availability Marschner Petra Symposium 2.3.1
Interactions of organic pollutants with soil components investigated by means of molecular modelling Gerzabek Martin Symposium 2.2.1
Interactive effects of salinity and lime on the phytoextraction of cadmium by Salix species in biosolids Dannat Hanna G. Symposium 3.5.1
Intercropping of sugarcane with common bean in no-tillage and different nitrogen rates Bolonhezi Denizart Symposium 4.2.1
Investigating phosphate sorption reactions in acid soils through solution, NMR, and L- and K-edge XANES analyses Schefe Cassandra Symposium 2.2.1
Investigating processes of pedogenesis in the Werrikimbe National Park, NSW, Australia Stockmann Uta Symposium 1.3.2
Investigation of nitrogen-fixing potential in soil bacterial microbiota from Lapland boreal forest limit Hara Shintaro Symposium 4.1.2
Investigation on Soil Fertility and Citrus Yield in South China Chen Fang Division Symposium 3.2
Investigation on spatial variability of soil chemical and biochemical properties using independent sampling of pair locations Fornasier Flavio Symposium 3.1.1
Investigations of nitrogen dynamics in red Mediterranean soils of Greece Simonis Asterios Symposium 2.2.2
Iodine sorption and its chemical form in the soil-soil solution system in Japanese agricultural fields Ishikawa Nao Symposium 2.2.1
Ionic Liquid Extractions of Soil Organic Matter Patti Antonio (Tony) Symposium 2.2.2
IR Assessment of C in Tropical Soils Madari Beata E Working Group 1.5
Irrigation water productivity of rice grown with resource conservation technologies Kukal Surinder Working Group 3.5
Is Dealumination Limited to the Waikato Region of New Zealand, or is it Wider Spread? Taylor Matthew Symposium 2.4.2
Is Sulfur Limiting Maize Grown on Eroded Midwestern U.S. Soils? Kovar John Division Symposium 3.2
Ischia landslides (Italy): A multidisciplinary approach aimed to increase knowledge of soil properties Vingiani Simona Symposium 1.1.2
Isee - Integrating spatial educational experiences into soil, crop, and environmental sciences Schulze Darrell G. Division Symposium 4.1
iSOIL and Standardization Dietrich Peter Working Group 1.5
Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from Chinese cabbage Woo Sung Man Symposium 2.3.1
Isolation and evaluation of inoculation effect of Azospirillum sp. on growth, colonization and nutrient uptake of crops under green house condition Kim Ki Yoon Symposium 2.3.1
Isolation of Atriplex nummularia-associated halotolerant bacteria and bioprospecting by nitrogen fixing bacteria in saline-sodic soil Freire Maria Betania Symposium 2.3.1
Isolations and consortia of PAH-degrading bacteria from the rhizosphere of four crops in PAH-contaminated field Ma Bin Symposium 2.5.2
Isotopic determination of sulfur (S) availability from S coated mono-ammonium phosphate McLaren Timothy Division Symposium 3.2
Isotopic evidence for the provenance and turnover of organic carbon by soil microorganisms in the Antarctic dry valleys Hopkins David Working Group 1.4
Isotopic Exchange Kinetics of Soil P Under Pinus radiata and Lucerne Understorey Scott John Symposium 2.2.1
Isotopic technique for tracing both reduced and oxidised forms of sulphur in a fertiliser Ajiboye Babasola Division Symposium 3.1
Isotopic variations of Fe and Zn in Finnish acid sulfate soils Boman Anton Working Group 3.1


K from zeolite: glasshouse trial for testing K availability to the plants Zwingmann Naoko Symposium 3.3.1
Kinetics of cadmium desorption from some soils of Iran Esfandbod Maryam Symposium 3.5.1
Kinetics of DTPA extraction of zinc from calcareous soils from Iran Reyhanitabar Adel Congress Symposium 5
Knowledge review on land use and soil organic matter in South Africa du Preez Chris Working Group 4.1
Kolbjork: Carbon sequestration and soil development under mountain birch (Betula pubescens) in restored areas in southern Iceland Kolka Pall Congress Symposium 4


Land and soil controls over the spatial distribution and productivity of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in Southern India Nair Usha Symposium 3.1.1
Land Capability, Suitability and Vocation in Venezuela Comerma Juan Symposium 3.1.1
Land Degradation Assessment: the LADA approach Nachtergaele Freddy Symposium 3.1.1
Land evaluation, key factor of successful agricultural development Fall Rokhaya Symposium 3.1.1
Land Management Actvities to encourage farmers to increase Soil Carbon Lawrie John Working Group 4.1
Land management planning concerning to workability timing of soil in Souma area, using Aljarafe model Shahbazi Farzin Symposium 3.1.2
Land management within capability, a NSW monitoring, evaluation and reporting project Gray Jonathan Symposium 3.1.1
Land suitability survey and different planting dates for farming burley 21 tobacco in Marivan Rezaei Adib Symposium 1.4.1
Land use change in the tropics and its effect on soil fertility Hartemink Alfred E. Symposium 4.3.1
Landform mapping for SOTER at scale 1:1 million using SRTM-DEM Dobos Endre Working Group 3.1
Landscape - Soilscape Evolution Modelling: LAPSUS Sonneveld M. P. W. Division Symposium 1.2
Landscape-scale sampling of forest-derived carbon in cultivated systems of East Africa Winowiecki Leigh Symposium 1.5.2
Land-use change from indigenous management to cattle grazing initiates the gullying of alluvial soils in northern Australia Shellberg Jeffrey Symposium 4.3.1
Late season sugarcane performance as affected by soil water regime at the yield formation stage on commercial farms in northern Ivory Coast Pene Crepin B. Symposium 2.1.1
Leaching and phytoavailability of zinc and cadmium in a contaminated soil treated with zero-valent iron Houben David Symposium 3.5.1
Leaching losses of nutrients from farmyard manure pits in Central India Reddy K. Sammi Symposium 3.3.1
Leaching of heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Pb and As) after six months application of raw and composted recycled paper mill sludge Abdullah Rosazlin Symposium 3.5.1
Leaching of nitrate due to the fertilization with litter of swine bedding, liquid swine manure and chemical fertilizer Dortzbach Denilson Symposium 3.1.2
Least limiting water range and S index to evaluate some soil physical quality in the northeast Brazil Pereira Virginia Pires Symposium 2.1.2
Levels of trace elements in soils on the Apodi-Mossoro River margin in Brazil Medeiros Monalisa Gurgel De Symposium 3.5.1
Lignin phenols and cutin- and suberin-derived aliphatic monomers as biomarkers for stand history, SOM source, and turnover Spielvogel Sandra Working Group 3.2
Liming and acidification kinetics of some acid, neutral and alkaline soils Aguirre-Gomez Arturo Symposium 2.2.1
Limited movement of fertiliser-derived Mg and K through volcanic ash and alluvial clay soils of Papua New Guinea Berthelsen Suzanne Division Symposium 3.2
Linkage and structure elucidation of non-extractable NP and MCPA residues in organo-clay complexes Riefer Patrick Symposium 2.2.1
Linking Principles of Soil Formation and Flow Regimes Lin Henry Working Group 1.2
Links between emissions of nitrogen and sulfur gases from acid sulfate soils: field evidence Denmead Tom Congress Symposium 4
Litter and Carbon Accumulation in Soils after Forest Restoration: the Australian Experience after Bauxite Mining Tibbett Mark Working Group 4.1
Litter effects on N dynamics and potential leaching in acid grassland soils Riaz Muhammad Symposium 2.2.1
Local Regression Kriging Approach for Analysing High Density Data Sun Wei Working Group 1.3
Locating Soil Monitoring Sites using Spatial Analysis of Multilayer Data Adamchuk Viacheslav Working Group 1.5
Loess, bioturbation, fire, and pedogenesis in a boreal forest - grassland mosaic, Yukon Territory, Canada Sanborn Paul Symposium 1.6.1
Long term effect of conservation tillage in a corn-oat rotation system on corn and forage oat yield in the North-Central region of Mexico Martinez-Gamino Miguel Symposium 3.2.1
Long term effect of irrigation with the treated sewage effluent on some soil properties for date palms in Al Hassa, Saudi Arabia Alomran Abdulrasoul Symposium 3.5.1
Long-term changes in a forested Spodosol David Mark Working Group 3.2
Long-term effect of farmyard manure and N on the distribution of zinc and copper in soil fractions under pearl millet - wheat cropping system Narwal R. P. Symposium 2.2.2
Long-term effects of applied organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on yield and soil fertility in a wheat-rice cropping pattern Bodruzzaman Md Symposium 2.2.2
Long-term effects of black carbon on soil properties Cheng Chih-Hsin Symposium 4.1.2
Long-term effects of mine soil reclamation using different amendments on microbial and biochemical properties in Southeast Spain Faz Angel Symposium 3.5.1
Long-term Effects of two Tillage Systems on Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) (var. Forrest) Poduction, Soil properties and Plant Nutrient Uptake Duseja Desh Symposium 3.2.1
Long-term fertilization effects on grain yield and soil fertility in the paddy soil of Yangtse Delta in China Wang Dejian Symposium 3.3.2
Long-term liming ameliorates subsoil acidity in high rainfall zone in south-eastern Australia Li Guangdi Symposium 3.1.2
Long-term soil landscape modelling in a Mediterranean agricultural environment Ciampalini Rossano Division Symposium 1.2
Long-term tillage effects on bacterial biomass and community structure distribution within water stable aggregates Jiang Xianjun Symposium 4.1.2
Loss of nitrogen by ammonia volatilization and NOx emission after application of urea to irrigated maize in Shanxi Province, China Denmead Tom Congress Symposium 4
Loss of Soil and Nutrient from Different Soil Managements in Highland Agriculture Lee Gye-Jun Symposium 3.2.1
Low temperature transformation of schwertmannite to hematite with associated CO2, SO and SO2 evolution Henderson Scott Working Group 3.1
Lysimeter research in Europe - technological developments and research strategies Meissner Ralph Symposium 3.2.2
Lysimeter Soil Retriever (LSR) - A tool for investigation on heterogeneity of the migration and structural changes Reth Sascha Symposium 3.2.2


Magnetic Properties of Urban Topsoil in Baoshan District, Shanghai and Its Environmental Implication Jiang Qi Symposium 2.4.2
Magnetic response of heavy metals pollution in urban soils: magnetic proxy parameters as an indicator of heavy metals pollution Shenggao Lu Working Group 3.3
Magnitude and kinetics of metal rhizotoxicity in cowpea Kopittke Peter M. Symposium 3.5.1
Maize productivity as influenced by organic inputs and mineral fertilizer in a Nitisol soil in Meru South District Mugendi Daniel Symposium 3.2.1
Major and trace elements biogeochemistry and C sequestration in bog soils Zaccone Claudio Division Symposium 2.1
Management and Landscape Position Effects on Soil Physical Properties of a Coastal Plain Soil in Central Alabama, USA Arriaga Francisco Working Group 4.1
Management of Multimicronutrients Deficiencies for Enhancing Yield of Crops Patel Kishorbhai Division Symposium 3.2
Management of soil quality and carbon sequestration with long-term application of organic amendments Ghosh Subhadip Symposium 2.2.2
Management practices impact on soil nitrous oxide emission in the northern Great Plains, USA Sainju Upendra M. Congress Symposium 4
Management strategies to improve yield and nitrogen use of spring wheat and field pea in the semi-arid northern Great Plains USA. Allen Brett Division Symposium 3.2
Managing acidity movement in the coastal land with acid sulphate soils: a modeling approach Ngo Phong Working Group 3.1
Managing forage-based cow-calf operations in subtropics: implication to surface and ground water quality Sigua Gilbert C. Symposium 4.1.2
Managing risks of phosphorus export from sites irrigated with abattoir effluent Bacon Peter Symposium 3.1.2
Managing soil biological decline during long-fallows in cropping systems Williams Anne Symposium 3.1.2
Managing soil fertility to sustain crop production in the watershed in Senegal Diack Mateugue Symposium 1.1.1
Managing Soil Surface Salinity with Subsurface Drip Irrigation Thompson Thomas Working Group 3.4
Managing water and nutrients in sandy soils for tree crop production in Central Coastal Vietnam Slavich Peter Symposium 3.1.2
Mapping �unsuitability� for de-rocking in Northwestern Syria De Pauw Eddy Symposium 4.1.2
Mapping and characterization of Boreal Acid Sulfate Soils Osterholm Peter Symposium 3.1.1
Mapping and monitoring issues of a forest soil network in Southern Belgium Colinet Gilles Symposium 1.5.1
Mapping micro-spatial patterns of C, and Fe and Al-oxides in gleysols: a means of understanding SOM-mineral interactions Wilson Clare Symposium 2.2.2
Mapping the information content of Australian visible-near infrared soil spectra Viscarra Rossel Raphael Working Group 1.5
Mapping the three-dimensional variation of electrical conductivity in a paddy rice soil Shi Zhou Working Group 1.5
Marandu palisadegrass fertilized with nitrogen forms and sulphur rates: productive responses De Bona Fabiano Division Symposium 3.2
Marine disposal of monosulfide from a eutrophic estuary system and the impact on water chemistry Morgan Bree Working Group 3.1
Measurement of gas transport parameters for final cover soil at Maharagama landfill in Sri Lanka Wickramarachchi Praneeth Symposium 2.1.2
Measurement of land-use effects on soil carbon and related properties for soil monitoring: a study on two soil landscapes of northern New South Wales, Australia Wilson Brian Symposium 3.1.1
Measuring particle size distribution: Can the differences among examined soils and methods be proven? Jakab Gergely Symposium 3.1.1
Measuring soil organic carbon stocks - issues and considerations Hobley Eleanor Symposium 1.5.1
Mechanism of water erosion of partially melted, frozen andisol Nishimura Taku Symposium 3.2.1
Mechanisms controlling dynamics at the soil-water interface Diehl Doerte Symposium 2.2.1
Mechanisms of phosphate dissolution from soil organic matter Morris Amanda Division Symposium 2.1
Mediator solution influence on the sorption potential of sulfo-conjugated estrogenic steroid hormone and its metabolite in New Zealand dairy farm soils Sarmah Ajit K. Symposium 4.1.2
Mediterranean wetland soil classes and its relationship with vegetation and land-uses types Torres Pilar Division Symposium 2.1
Melioidosis case clusters in a tropical urban setting: association with soil type and geomorphology Corkeron Maree Division Symposium 4.2
Mercury soil pollution on Spanish islands: Methods to assess Hg input Rodriguez Mart�n Jose Antonio Symposium 3.5.1
Mercury transformations in wetland soils in relation to C, S and Fe biogeochemistry Skyllberg Ulf Division Symposium 2.1
Method for water extractable phosphorous in saline-sodic soils Drake Jessica Symposium 2.2.1
Methods for updating the drainage class map in Flanders, Belgium Van De Wauw Johan Working Group 1.3
Microbial activity and dissolved organic matter dynamics in the soils are affected by salinity and sodicity Mavi Manpreet Working Group 3.4
Microbial biomass activity in neotropical savanna soils managed during six years with conservationist cereal-cattle systems Hernandez Hernandez Rosa Mary Symposium 3.1.2
Microbial biomass and activities in a Japanese paddy soil with differences in atmospheric CO2 enrichment, soil/water warming and rice cultivars Inubushi Kazuyuki Division Symposium 2.1
Microbial Biomass and Organic Carbon Stock in Paddy Soils in the Lake Biwa Basin, Japan Shibahara Fujiyoshi Working Group 3.5
Microbial community composition under adjacent coniferous and broadleaf plantation forests Xing SH Symposium 2.3.1
Microbial Dynamics in Soils under Long-term Glyphosate Tolerant Cropping Systems Dick Richard Symposium 2.2.1
Microbial extracellular enzymes and natural and synthetic polymer degradation in soil: current research and future prospects Burns Richard Symposium 2.5.2
Microbial Properties and Carbon Dynamics in a heterogeneous Soil Landscape under different Cropping Systems and Fertilizer Regimes Susyan Evgeny Symposium 2.2.2
Microbial resilience as influenced by an herbicide in soils from native prairie, CRP, and row crop management Udawatta Ranjith Symposium 2.3.1
Micromorphological and Chemical Characteristics of Placic and Ortstein Horizons in Subtropical Subalpine Forests Jien Shih-Hao Working Group 3.2
Micromorphological evidence for the use of urban waste as a soil fertiliser in and near to historic Scottish towns Golding Kirsty A. Symposium 4.5.1
Micromorphological identification of selected lithogenic features in soils developed from Lower Triassic deposits in the Holy Cross Mountains (S Poland) Brzychcy Sylwia Symposium 1.3.1
Micromorphology of a welded paleosol in the Dillondale loess, Charwell Basin, South Island, New Zealand Smith Carol Symposium 1.6.1
Microscale distribution and function of soil microorganisms in the interface between rhizosphere and detritusphere Marschner Petra Symposium 2.3.1
Mine landform cover design and environmental evaluation Hollingsworth Ian Symposium 4.1.2
Mine Soil Suitability for Native Forests in the USA Burger James Working Group 3.2
Mineralization dynamics and biochemical properties following application of organic residues to soil Mondini Claudio Symposium 2.2.2
Mineralogical and Textural Characterisation of Soils using Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy Hewson Rob Working Group 1.5
Mineralogical assemblage and iron oxides of soils of the Pantanal biome, Brazil Dalmolin Ricardo Division Symposium 2.1
Minerals and carbon stabilization: towards a new perspective of mineral-organic interactions in soils Kleber Markus Symposium 2.4.1
Minimum-tillage, mechanized sowing of pulses with two-wheel tractors Haque Ekramul M. Symposium 3.1.2
Mitigating global warming by improving terrestrial biotic carbon flux Sinha Braj Kishore Symposium 4.3.1
Mobilisation of As following sea-water inundation of acid sulfate soils Johnston Scott Working Group 3.1
Mobility and storage of metals, metalloids and trace elements in disturbed acid sulfate soils from a tidal estuary in South Australia Thomas Brett Working Group 3.1
Mobility of N, P, Ethoprophos in Three Upland Soils as Affected by Chemical Fertilizer and Composted Manure under Soybean-cultivated Lysimeters Han Kyung-Hwa Symposium 3.2.2
Mobilization and transport of natural and water dispersible colloids in repacked Okinawa red-yellow soil columns Sharma Anu Symposium 2.1.2
Model carbon compounds differ in their effects on pH change of soils with different initial pH Rukshana Fatima Symposium 2.2.2
Modeling long-term soil organic carbon dynamics in forage-based crop rotations in Subarctic Sweden (62-63 oN) Bolinder Martin A. Congress Symposium 4
Modeling of coupled water and heat fluxes in both unfrozen and frozen soils Zhao Ying Symposium 2.1.1
Modeling of sediment yield and bicarbonate concentration in Kordan watershed, Iran Sarmadian Fereydoon Symposium 4.1.2
Modeling regional and vertical variation effects when estimating soil nitrogen% from loss on ignition Leon Ai Symposium 3.1.1
Modeling runoff and erosion from construction sites in 2-D with RUSLE2 Dabney Seth Symposium 3.4.2
Modelling N mineralization from green manure and farmyard manure from a laboratory incubation study Mohanty Monoranjan Symposium 1.5.2
Modelling N mineralization from high C:N rice and wheat crop residues Mohanty Monoranjan Symposium 1.5.2
Modelling N2O emissions from agroecosystems: the WNMM experience Li Yong Congress Symposium 4
Modelling of carbon flux in grassland ecosystems in Ukraine Kadono Atsunobu Congress Symposium 4
Modelling of water, sediment and phosphorus runoff: implications for grain cropping in southwest Australia Anderson Geoffrey Symposium 4.1.2
Modelling soil formation along a loess toposequence Finke Peter Division Symposium 1.2
Modelling soil strength and its effects on winter wheat dry matter production Whitmore Andrew Symposium 2.2.2
Modelling surface and shallow groundwater interactions in an ungauged subtropical coastal catchment using the SWAT model, Elimbah Creek, Southeast Queensland, Australia Labadz Martin Symposium 4.2.2
Modelling the chemical influences on bioavailability of geogenic arsenic in soils Castlehouse Hayley Symposium 2.5.2
Modelling the provision of ecosystem services from soil natural capital Dominati Estelle Congress Symposium 2
Modelling the role of DCD in mitigating nitrogen losses under grazed pastures Vogeler Iris Symposium 4.1.2
Modern isotopic methods to investigate the fate and provenance of C sequestered into soils from livestock derived organic matter Dungait Jennifer Symposium 2.2.2
Molecular characterization of soil fungal communities in paddy soils Eickhorst Thilo Symposium 2.3.2
Monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a cost effective sustainable remediation technology for petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites: Demonstration of scientific evidence Naidu Ravi Symposium 3.5.2
Monitoring nitrous oxide emissions from manure-fertilized alfalfa and corn cropland in the Northeastern US Molodovskaya Marina Congress Symposium 4
Monitoring scheme for examine carbon-water coupling in a forested watershed Liyanage Nirmala Working Group 3.2
Monitoring soil properties and heavy metals concentrations in reclaimed mine soils from SE Spain by application of different amendments Zornoza Raul Symposium 3.5.1
Monitoring soil quality in intensive dairy-farmed catchments of New Zealand: implications for farm management and environmental quality Houlbrooke David Symposium 3.1.2
Monitoring the active layer in Maritime and Peninsular Antarctica Schaefer Carlos Ernesto Working Group 1.4
Monolithic lysimeter as tools to study the composition of pore and drainage waters responding to high water table in boreal acid sulphate soil Virtanen Seija Working Group 3.1
More than dirt: a new view of Soil and Culture Landa Edward Symposium 4.5.2
Multi-element background for trace elements and radionuclides in soil from Minas Gerais State, Brazil Silva Juscimar Symposium 3.5.2
Multifractal characterization of pore size distributions measures by mercury intrusion porosimetry Vidal Vazquez Eva Symposium 2.1.2
Multimodeling - an emerging approach to improving process-based modeling of soil systems Pachepsky Yakov Symposium 1.5.2
Multi-TDR probe designed for measuring soil moisture distribution near the soil surface Ito Yuji Symposium 2.1.1
Multivariate evaluation by microbiological indicators of winter-summer crop rotation and no-tillage system in Oxisol (Brazil) Borges Clovis Daniel Symposium 2.2.1
Municipal composts improve landscape plant establishment in compacted soil Sullivan Dan Working Group 3.3
Mycorrhizal response of halophytes to plant growth in non-saline soil conditions Asghari Hamid Reza Congress Symposium 2


N2O and CO2 Emission from Mine Soil Reclaimed with Organic Amendments Dutta Tanushree Working Group 4.1
N2O and CO2 emissions following clover and cellulose incorporation into a New Zealand pastoral soil Pal Pranoy Congress Symposium 4
N2O emission in Acacia mangium stands with different ages, in Sumatra, Indonesia Ishizuka Shigehiro Congress Symposium 4
N2O emissions from a tea field in subtropical China Xiaoqing Fu Congress Symposium 4
Nano-scale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry � Application to soil organic matter research Murphy Daniel V. Congress Symposium 7
National acid sulfate soils identification, assessment and management short course Henderson Scott Symposium 4.1.2
Need for interpreted soil information for policy making Montanarella Luca Symposium 1.4.1
Nestedness analysis of land use change on pedodiversity under the intensive urbanization process Zhang Xuelei Symposium 1.2.2
Net Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification at Different Landscape Positions in a Lowland Subtropical Rain Forest in Taiwan Tsui Chun-Chih Symposium 1.2.2
New A Horizon Protocols for Topsoil Characterization in Canada Fox Catherine Symposium 1.4.2
New Horizons for Profiling Soil Science in Schools Abbott Lyn Division Symposium 4.1
News and traditional analytical tools for the study of soils and humic acids Dabas Paula Cecilia Working Group 1.5
Nickel Speciation in Serpentine Soils using Synchrotron Radiation Techniques Siebecker Matthew Symposium 2.2.1
Nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions related to bacteria and not to Archaea in nitrogen rich frassland soils Di Hong J. Symposium 3.5.2
Nitrate reduction in the interactive reaction system of L17 and soil minerals Liu Tong-Xu Symposium 2.2.1
Nitrate Situation in Some Vegetables and the Necessity of Crop Production via Organic Farming Rousta Mohammad Javad Division Symposium 4.2
Nitrogen and sulfur fertilizations for a Signal grass pasture: forage yield, nutritional status and some soil fertility attributes in a rainy season Monteiro Francisco Division Symposium 3.2
Nitrogen budget of cattle manure compost incorporated into paddy field Nishida Mizuhiko Working Group 3.5
Nitrogen fertiliser increases nitrous oxide emissions from a semi arid Vertosol Officer Sally J. Congress Symposium 4
Nitrogen fertilizer rate management as a nitrous oxide mitigation strategy: Development of a nitrous oxide emission reduction protocol (NERP) Millar Neville Congress Symposium 4
Nitrogen leaching from contrasting liquid fertilizers applied to three soils Park Dara Division Symposium 3.2
Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture, on a vitrand (pumice soil), Taupo, New Zealand � initial results Treweek Glen Symposium 4.1.2
Nitrogen leaching in soil amended with biochars produced at low and high temperatures from various feedstocks Hyland Charles Congress Symposium 2
Nitrogen management for common bean crop in newly and established no-tillage systems Soratto Rogerio Division Symposium 3.2
Nitrogen management in wheat sown in rice straw as mulch in Nort West India Brar Navneet Kaur Symposium 3.3.1
Nitrogen Release from Poppy Waste and Biosolids at Low Temperature Ives Stephen Symposium 2.2.2
Nitrogen uptake rate with compost application and its effect on the sugar content of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) Takebe Masako Symposium 3.3.1
Nitrogen-15 uptake and distribution in two citrus species Boaretto Rodrigo Division Symposium 3.2
Nitrogen-based Composted-Manure application: Implications for Phosphorus balance and changes in Soil quality in the Pot Experiment Adhikari Keshav Raj Symposium 3.3.1
Nitrous oxide emissions from a clay soil depending on timing of autumn mouldboard ploughing Stenberg Maria Congress Symposium 4
Nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated cotton soils of northern Australia Grace Peter Congress Symposium 4
Nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen-enriched cattle manure compost pellets applied to Andosols Yamane Tsuyoshi Congress Symposium 4
Nitrous oxide emissions from soils in Australian sugarcane production systems Thorburn Peter Congress Symposium 4
Nitrous oxide production in soil: Microbial source partitioning to inform management options for mitigation Baggs Elizabeth Congress Symposium 4
Non-target impacts of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide on soil biota O'Callaghan Maureen Congress Symposium 2
No-tillage crop rotations, C sequestration and aspects of C saturation in a subtropical Ferralsol Dieckow Jeferson Symposium 2.2.2
Novel methods to investigate metal interactions with plant cell walls McKenna Brigid Symposium 2.3.1
Novel use of thermal analyses to meet soil C monitoring in agriculture Pallasser Robert Symposium 2.2.2
Numerical Analysis of Coupled Liquid Water, Water Vapor, and Heat Transport in a Sandy Loam Soil Shukla Manoj Symposium 2.1.1
Numerical evaluation of inverse modelling methods for 1D and 3D water infiltration experiments Lassabatere Laurent Symposium 2.1.1
Numerical soil classification: a missed, but not a lost, opportunity McBratney Alex Symposium 1.4.1
Nutrient availability from anaerobic baffled reactor effluent for maize growth in three contrasting soils from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Bame Irene Symposium 4.1.2
Nutrient Best Management Practice: The Australian Experience Dowling Chris Division Symposium 3.2
Nutrient Best Management Practices for Rice, Maize, and Wheat in Asia Buresh Roland Division Symposium 3.2
Nutrient Best Management Practices need regional Material Flow Management for Soil Protection Warnecke Sylvia Division Symposium 3.2
Nutrient best management practices: Western perspectives on global nutrient stewardship. Roberts Terry Division Symposium 3.2
Nutrient deficiencies limiting the growth of sweet potato vines on important soil types in the highlands of Papua New Guinea Taraken Issac Symposium 3.2.1
Nutrient distribution in three contrasting soils after anaerobic baffled reactor effluent application: A soil column study Bame Irene Symposium 4.1.2
Nutrient erosional losses in submontaneous tract of northern India under simulated rainfall Kohli Anshuman Symposium 3.2.1
Nutrient input through litter in riparian forest in different stages of ecological succession Fior Rafael Carvalho Symposium 4.3.1
Nutrient management for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) on K-fixing soils Wakeel Abdul Division Symposium 3.2
Nutrient optima-based productivity zonality delineation in citrus orchards of northeast India Srivastava Anoop Kumar Symposium 3.1.1
Nutrient release from Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus taeda harvest residues Sanchez Gabriela Working Group 3.2
Nutrient status of cocoa (Theobromae cacao) in Papua New Guinea: results from a survey Nelson Paul N. Symposium 4.3.1
Nutrient transport from various agricultural sources in the Pagsanjan-Lumban watershed in Laguna de Bay, Philippines Sanchez Pearl Symposium 4.1.2
Nutrient uptake responses of tropical turfgrass species to salinity stress Uddin Md. Kamal Symposium 1.1.2
Nutrients Leached under Lychee Cultivation of an amended Northern Thai Highland Acrisol Inthasan Jiraporn Symposium 3.2.1
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