Symposium 4.1.1 - Symposium 4.5.2

Symposium 4.1.1 Valuing the soil's natural capital

Symposium 4.1.1 Valuing the soil's natural capital

Link Depth distribution of soil organic carbon as a signature of soil quality Alan J. Franzluebbers, pp. 1-4.
Link Dynamics of soil microbial community structure and activity during the cropping period of cotton Sandhya Rai, Dileep K. Singh, K. Annapurna, pp. 5-8.
Link Economic value of improved soil natural capital assessment: a case study on nitrogen leaching Sam Carrick, Eva-Terezia Vesely, Allan Hewitt, pp. 9-12.
Link Enhancing the ecological infrastructure of soils Keith L. Bristow, Steve M. Marchant, Markus Deurer, Brent E. Clothier, pp. 13-16.
Link Evaluation of soil natural capital in two soilscapes Allan Hewitt, Carolyn Hedley, Brenda Rosser, pp. 17-20.
Link Farmland protection maps for the northern rivers of North Eastern NSW, Australia-an application of soil landscape information David Morand, Rik Whitehead, Claire Aman, Graeme Short, Jim Hindmarsh, pp. 21-22.
Link Hydrogeological landscapes � an expert system for salinity management Brian Jenkins, Allan Nicholson, Andrew Wooldridge, Leah Moore, Kathleen Harvey, Andrew Nowakowski, Wayne Cook, pp. 23-26.
Link Roots and earthworms under grass, clover and a grass-clover mixture Nick van Eekeren, Jan Bokhorst, Lijbert Brussaard, pp. 27-30.
Link Soil protection and strategic goals in local environmental planning Mandy Courtney, Harald Zepp, Bernd Marschner, pp. 31-32.
Link What are the opportunities for enhancing ecosystem services from soils through management of soil carbon? Helaina J. I. Black, K. Glenk, A. Lilly, R. Artz, C. Watson, S. Colombo, I. Brown, W. Towers, pp. 33-34.

Symposium 4.1.2 Management and protection of receiving environments

Symposium 4.1.2 Management and protection of receiving environments

Link A municipal scale eco-balance analysis of carbon and nitrogen cycle in Japanese agriculture Sonoko D Kimura, Shin-Ichiro Mishima, pp. 1-4.
Link A pragmatic water-balance based protocol for assessing water quality from agricultural lands David Freebairn, Dan Rattray, Mark Silburn, Will Higham, pp. 5-8.
Link A preliminary examination of the spatial distribution of acidic soil and required rates of ameliorant in the Avon River Basin, Western Australia Joel Andrew, Chris Gazey, pp. 9-12.
Link Application of soil survey to assess phosphorus loss by runoff from agricultural watersheds Moustafa Elrashidi, Larry West, pp. 13-16.
Link Assessment of heavy metals contamination of paddy soil in Xiangyin county, China Laiyuan Zhong, Liming Liu, Jiewen Yang, pp. 17-20.
Link Changes of soil organic carbon in different agro-ecological zones in China over 20 years Yan Xu, Fengrong Zhang, Jingkuan Wang, pp. 21-24.
Link Clinoptilolite amendment to increase ammonium removal from landfill leachate in a clay loam soil Hossein Mirseyed Hoseini, Rasool karimi, S. Hasan Tabatabi, pp. 25-27.
Link Comparison study between the methods for compost maturity determination Soon Ik Kwon, Kwon Rae Kim, Seung Gil Hong, Woo Kyun Park, Deog Bae Lee, pp. 28-29.
Link Connecting soil policies with plans to improve water quality � an example with acid sulfate soils from two north Queensland regions Bernard Powell, pp. 30-33.
Link Describing N leaching under urine patches in pastoral soils Rogerio Cichota, Iris Vogeler, Valerie O. Snow, pp. 34-37.
Link Detecting a landfill leachate plume using a DUALEM-421 and a laterally constrained inversion model Jessica Roe, John Triantafilis, Fernando Santos Monteiro, pp. 38-41.
Link Dicyandiamide (DCD) reduces nitrate losses from Irish soils Samuel Dennis, Keith Cameron, Hong Di, Jim Moir, Karl Richards, pp. 42-45.
Link Effect of biosolids P removal treatment on P soil test and availability to corn Richard Wolkowski, pp. 46-49.
Link Effects of a urease inhibitor NBPT on the growth and quality of rape Chuan Li-Min, Zhao Tong-Ke, An Zhi-Zhuang, Du Lian-feng, Li Shun-Jiang, pp. 50-52.
Link ESP fly ash application effects on plant biomass and bioconcentration of micronutrients in nursery seedlings of Populus deltoides Sudha Jala, Dinesh Goyal, pp. 53-56.
Link Evidence of soil microbial population acclimatisation to long-term application of winery wastewater Kim P Mosse, Antonio F Patti, Timothy R Cavagnaro, pp. 57-59.
Link Gully erosion stabilization in a highly erodible Kandiustalf soil Maria Teresa Vilela Nogueira Abdo, Sidney Rosa Vieira, Antonio Lucio Mello Martins, Luis Claudio Patterno Silveira, pp. 60-63.
Link Impact of soil texture and organic matter content on mitc volatilization from soil columns Catherine R. Simpson, Shad D. Nelson, Husein A. Ajwa, pp. 64-67.
Link Impacts of long-term intensive potato production and conservation terraces/grassed waterway on runoff hydrology and soil quality Lien Chow, Herb Rees, Zisheng Xing, pp. 68-71.
Link Influence of adding Pb to soil on the growth of wheat seedlings Yan Du, Jiang Chang, Xue-Feng Hu, pp. 72-74.
Link Influence of wastewater application and fertilizer use on the quality of irrigation water, soil and food crops: Case Studies from Northwestern India Mohinder Paul S. Khurana, Milkha S. Aulakh, pp. 75-78.
Link Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production, improving crop quality and soil health, and minimizing environmental pollution Milkha S. Aulakh, pp. 79-82.
Link Investigation of nitrogen-fixing potential in soil bacterial microbiota from Lapland boreal forest limit Shintaro Hara, Teemu Tahvanainen, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, pp. 83-85.
Link Long-term effects of black carbon on soil properties Chih-Hsin Cheng, Johannes Lehmann, James Kinyangi, Dawit Solomon, Ting-Leuh Wu, pp. 86-89.
Link Long-term tillage effects on bacterial biomass and community structure distribution within water stable aggregates X.J. Jiang, pp. 90-93.
Link Managing forage-based cow-calf operations in subtropics: implication to surface and ground water quality Gilbert C. Sigua, Samuel W. Coleman, pp. 94-97.
Link Mapping �unsuitability� for de-rocking in Northwestern Syria Eddy De Pauw, Weicheng Wu, pp. 98-101.
Link Mediator solution influence on the sorption potential of sulfo-conjugated estrogenic steroid hormone and its metabolite in New Zealand dairy farm soils Ajit K Sarmah, Frank F Scherr, pp. 102-105.
Link Mine landform cover design and environmental evaluation Ian Hollingsworth, Inakwu Odeh, Elisabeth Bui, John Ludwig, pp. 106-109.
Link Modeling of sediment yield and bicarbonate concentration in Kordan watershed, Iran Fereydoon Sarmadian, Ali Keshavarzi, pp. 110-113.
Link Modelling of water, sediment and phosphorus runoff: implications for grain cropping in southwest Australia Geoffrey Anderson, Richard Bell, Wen Chen, Ross Brennan, pp. 114-117.
Link Modelling the role of DCD in mitigating nitrogen losses under grazed pastures Iris Vogeler, Rogerio Cichota, Valerie Snow, Mark Shepherd, pp. 118-121.
Link National acid sulfate soils identification, assessment and management short course Scott Henderson, Crystal Maher, Leigh Sullivan, pp. 122-123.
Link Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture, on a vitrand (pumice soil), Taupo, New Zealand � initial results G. Treweek, M.R. Balks, L.A. Schipper, pp. 124-126.
Link Nutrient availability from anaerobic baffled reactor effluent for maize growth in three contrasting soils from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Irene Bame, Jeffrey Hughes, Louis Titshall, Joseph Adjetey, Chris Buckley, pp. 127-130.
Link Nutrient distribution in three contrasting soils after anaerobic baffled reactor effluent application: A soil column study Irene Bame, Jeffrey Hughes, Louis Titshall, Chris Buckley, pp. 131-134.
Link Nutrient transport from various agricultural sources in the Pagsanjan-Lumban watershed in Laguna de Bay, Philippines Pearl Sanchez, Hernan Castillo, Rex Victor Cruz, Rai Kookana, Danni Oliver, pp. 135-138.
Link Organic carbon in topsoil from arable land and grazing land of Europe Vibeke Ernstsen, Domenico Cicchella, Alecos Demetriades, Benedetto De Vivo, Enrico Dinelli, Frants von Platen, Clemens Reimann, Timo Tarvainen, the EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group, pp. 139-141.
Link Phosphorus export in runoff from a dairy pasture, laneway and watering trough Gina M. Lucci, Richard W. McDowell, Leo M. Condron, pp. 142-144.
Link Phosphorus inflow into agricultural and urban soil: the perspective from food production and consumption in China Gui-Lin Li, Shen Yu, Xuemei Bai, Yong-Guan Zhu, pp. 145-148.
Link Present use and physical properties relationships in soils under mediterranean semiarid conditions Roque Ortiz Silla, Antonio Sanchez Navarro, Maria Jose Delgado Iniesta, Purificacion Marin Sanleandro, Arantzazu Blanco Bernardeau, Juana Mari Gil Vazquez, pp. 149-151.
Link Quantifying the relative contribution of hillslope and channel erosion in water reservoir catchments of subtropical South East Queensland, Australia Joanne Burton, Tim Pietsch, Jon Olley, James Udy, Kate Smolders, pp. 152.
Link Reducing nitrate leaching losses by using duration-controlled grazing of dairy cows Christine L. Christensen, James A. Hanly, Mike J. Hedley, Dave J. Horne, pp. 153-156.
Link Relation of evaporation and transpiration to maintain plant production Michihiro Hara, Kensuke Narita, Takumi Nabatame, pp. 157-158.
Link Resistivity imaging across native vegetation and irrigated Vertosols of the Condamine catchment�a snapshot of changing regolith water storage Jenny Foley, Mark Silburn, Anna Greve, pp. 159-162.
Link Reuse of wastewater for irrigation in Saudi Arabia and its effect on soil and plant Ali A. Aljaloud, pp. 163-166.
Link Sediment erosion research in the Fitzroy basin central Queensland: an overview Christopher Carroll, Cameron Dougall, Mark Silburn, David Waters, Bob Packett, Marian Joo, pp. 167-170.
Link Soil carbon management and filtering of organic pesticides Karin Mueller, Markus Deurer, Tehseen Aslam, Brent Clothier, pp. 171-174.
Link Soil management and stream water quality at the agricultural catchment scale in Ireland Alice Melland, David Wall, Per-Erik Mellander, Phil Jordan, Sarah Mechan, pp. 175-178.
Link Soil physical changes of a coastal mudflat after wave breaker installation K. Wan Rasidah, I. Mohamad Fakhri, W. C. Suhaimi, V. Jeyanny, A. Rozita, A.K. Adi Fadzly, pp. 179-182.
Link Soil properties affecting pesticide leaching - application in groundwater vulnerability mapping in the Czech Republic Radka Kodesova, Vit Kodes, Martin Kocarek, Ondrej Drabek, Josef Kozak, pp. 183-185.
Link Sorption of sulfamethoxazole, sulfachloropyridazine and sulfamethazine onto six New Zealand dairy farm soils Prakash Srinivasan, Ajit K Sarmah, Merilyn Manley-Harris, Alistair L. Wilkins, pp. 186-189.
Link Sources, characteristics, and management of agricultural dust, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA Randal J. Southard, pp. 190-192.
Link Space-time monitoring of prescribed burnt soils performance � an effective tool for forest management Ana C. Meira Castro, J. Gois, J. P. Meixedo, pp.193-196.
Link Stakeholders participation in watershed management for sustainable agriculture M. S. Nataraju, K. V. Madhava Reddy, pp. 197-200.
Link Strategic thinking on soil protection in China Qiguo Zhao, Yongming Luo, Ying Teng, pp. 201-204.
Link Technology development of soil fertility management based on understanding local agricultural systems of the Sahel in Niger, West Africa Keiichi Hayashi, Naruo Matsumoto, Satoshi Tobita, Hitoshi Shinjo, Ueru Tanaka, Idrissa Boubachar, Ramadjita Tabo, pp. 205-208.
Link The effect of PGPR strain on wheat yield and quality parameters Metin Turan, Medine Gulluce, Ramazan Cakmakci, Taskin Oztas, Fikrettin Sahin, pp. 209-212.
Link The evolution of soil salinization in the Yellow River Irrigation District of Ningxia, China during the period of 1958 to 2007 De Zhou, Liming Liu, Yuanpei Zhang, pp. 213-216.
Link The potential for direct application of papermill sludge to land: a greenhouse study Matthew Norris, Louis Titshall, pp. 217-220.
Link The residual concentration of regular gasoline in unsaturated soil Junko Nishiwaki, Yoshishige Kawabe, Yasuhide Sakamoto, Takeshi Komai, pp. 221-224.
Link Variation in soil heavy metal concentrations around and downstream of a municipal waste landfill Shirdast Marzieh, H. Mirseyed Hosseini, F. Sarmadiyan, pp. 225-227.
Link Examining phosphorus contributions from alluvial soils � a comparison of three Vermont, U.S.A. River corridors Caroline Alves, Donald Ross, pp. 228-231.
Link Getting the soil pH profile right helps with weed control and sustainability Chris Gazey, Joel Andrew, pp. 232-235.

Symposium 4.2.1 Soil, energy and food security

Symposium 4.2.1 Soil, energy and food security

Link An agricultural decision support tool for wheat-maize cropping on the North China Plain based on a spatially-referenced biophysical process model of water, nitrogen and crop growth Robert White, Yong Li, Deli Chen, pp. 1-4.
Link China�s food security threatened by soil degradation and biofuels production Liming Ye, Jun Yang, Ann Verdoodt, Rachid Moussadek, Eric Van Ranst, pp. 5-8.
Link Enhanced efficiency fertilizers Upendra Singh, Paul Wilkens, Ishrat Jahan, Joaquin Sanabria, Steve Kovach, pp. 9-12.
Link Growing sugarcane for bioenergy � effects on the soil Alfred E. Hartemink, pp. 13-15.
Link Growth indices of eleven sugarcane varieties grown under full irrigation environments in Brazil Fernando Jose Freire, Emidio Cantidio Almeida de Oliveira, Maria Betania Galvao dos Santos Freire, Ruthanna Isabelle de Oliveira, Alexandre Campelo de Oliveira, pp. 16-19.
Link Incorporating groundnut into the maize-based smallholder farming systems in semi-arid Limpopo province, RSA Jude Odhiambo, Anthony M. Whitbread, John N.G Hargreaves, pp. 20-22.
Link Intercropping of sugarcane with common bean in no-tillage and different nitrogen rates Denizart Bolonhezi, Roberto Botelho Ferraz Branco, Marcos Jose Perdona, Sergio Augusto de Moraes Carbonell, Alisson Fernando Chiorato, pp. 23-26.
Link Peak phosphorus � Implications for soil productivity and global food security Eric T. Craswell, Paul L.G. Vlek, Holm Tiessen, pp. 27-30.
Link Perceptions of grain growers towards their soils in the high rainfall zone of Southern Australia Angela Clough, Richard MacEwan, Penny A. Riffkin, pp. 31-34.
Link Progress towards sustainability � a consensual delusion or viable process? Declan McDonald, pp. 35-37.
Link Relevance of soil and terrain information in studies of major global issues Prem S. Bindraban, Niels H. Batjes, Johan G.B. Leenaars, Zhanguo Bai, pp. 38-41.
Link Site suitability assessment for sustainable forest plantation establishment of Dyera costulata in a West Malaysian tropical forest Jeyanny Vijayanathan, Ahmad Zuhaidi Yahya, Suhaimi Wan Chik, Amir Saaiffuddin Kassim, pp. 42-44.
Link Soil carbon depth functions under different land uses in Tasmania Joshua Scandrett, Garth Oliver, Richard Doyle, pp. 45-48.
Link Soil fertility as a limiting economic factor for sustainable biodiesel feedstock production Dan Chellemi, pp. 49-50.
Link Soil management for reduce Cd concentration in rice grains Orathai Sukreeyapongse, Lamai Srisawat, Onanong Chomsiri, Napassorn Notesiri, pp. 51-54.
Link Sugarcane crop for biofuel production, demand on soil resource and food security in Brazil Joyce Monteiro, Lilian Veiga, Heitor Coutinho, pp. 55-58.
Link Water quality effects of crop residue removal for cellulosic ethanol production Ian Kenney, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, DeAnn Presley, Charles Rice, Nathan Nelson, Brian Olson, Keith Janssen, pp. 59-61.
Link Carbon Sequestration Potential in Soil and Biomass of Jatropha curcas Muhammad Sulaiman Firdaus, Ahmad Husni Mohd Hanif, Amielia Syoliha Safiee, Mohd razi Ismail, pp. 62-65.

Symposium 4.2.2 Soil and water-global change

Symposium 4.2.2 Soil and water-global change

Link Adequate urban soil occupation planning to face food crisis in the Sahel Rokhaya Fall, Moustapha Dieye, Ibrahima Deme, Abdoulaye Dia, pp. 1-4.
Link Assessing macroscopic salinity models for predicting canola response to salinity under bud stage Vahidreza. Jalali, Mehdi. Homaee, pp. 5-8.
Link Bio-char from sawdust, maize stover and charcoal: Impact on water holding capacities (WHC) of three soils from Ghana Emmanuel Dugan, Anne Verhoef, Steve Robinson, Saran Sohi, pp. 9-12.
Link Changes in the cation composition of a Barossa Chromosol irrigated with wastewaters of contrasting monovalent cation concentrations Seth Laurenson, Nanthi Bolan, Euan Smith, Mike Mccarthy, pp. 13-16.
Link Design, construction, and operation of a wetland/reservoir system receiving agricultural drainage water Ali Madani, Michael Haverstock, Robert Gordon, pp. 17-20.
Link Drainage under permanent beds in a furrow-irrigated Vertisol Nilantha R. Hulugalle, Timothy B. Weaver, Lloyd A. Finlay, pp. 21-24.
Link Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on 15N-fertilizer recovery under wheat in Australia Shu Kee Lam, Rob Norton, Roger Armstrong, Deli Chen, pp. 25-28.
Link Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on soil amino sugar from wheat straw decomposition in a meadow brown soil of Northeast China Caiyan Lu, Yi Shi, Mingfen Niu, pp. 29-32.
Link Emissions of CO2 and N2O from volcanic soil under different crop management using closed non-fixed chambers Leandro Paulino, Cristina Munoz, Erick Zagal, Jenniffer Vera, pp. 33-36.
Link Heavy metal contamination of water bodies, soils and vegetables in peri urban areas of Bangalore city of India L. R. Varalakshmi, A. N. Ganeshamurthy, pp. 37-40.
Link Hydrological and land use control on N export sensitivity to climate in three adjacent watersheds Rui Jiang, Krishna P. Woli, Kanta Kuramochi, Atsushi Hayakawa, Mariko Shimizu, Ryusuke Hatano, pp. 41-44.
Link Indices of the status of freshwater resources for impact analyses Indika K. Herath, Brent Clothier, David Horne, pp. 45-48.
Link Influence of the pig manure-based liquid fertilizers on the water quality properties in an agricultural catchment with different land uses Min-Kyeong Kim, Soon-Ik Kwon, Byong-Gu Ko, Seong-Jin Park, Jong-Sik Lee, Deog-Bae Lee, pp. 49-51.
Link Modelling surface and shallow groundwater interactions in an ungauged subtropical coastal catchment using the SWAT model, Elimbah Creek, Southeast Queensland, Australia Martin Labadz, Micaela Grigorescu, Malcolm E. Cox, pp. 52-55.
Link Soil properties as a guide for specific adaptations to climate change Gregory H. Reid, pp. 56-58.
Link Soil properties related to water repellency in volcanic soils at Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain): relationships with vegetation and soil parent material Jesus Notario, Sergio Hernandez, Antonio Rodriguez ,Carmen D. Arbelo, Eduardo A. Chinea, pp. 59-62.
Link Soils research and education linked to climate change in USDA�s National/Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (NRI/AFRI) Programs Nancy Cavallaro, pp. 63-66.
Link The effects of two different biochars on earthworm survival and microbial carbon levels Mandy Liesch, Sharon Weyers, Julia Gaskin, K.C. Das, pp. 67-70.
Link Trend analysis of soil surface temperature in several regions of Iran Nozar Ghahreman, Javad Bazrafshan, Abuzar Gharekhani, pp. 71-74.

Symposium 4.3.1 Impacts of land use change in unsustainable ecosystems

Symposium 4.3.1 Impacts of land use change in unsustainable ecosystems

Link Aggregation, carbohydrate, total and particulate organic carbon changes by cultivation of an arid soil in Central Iran Mohammad Ali Hajabbasi, Jaber Fallahzade, pp. 1-4.
Link A micromorphological approach to soil rhizosphere characterisation of an agro-pastoral environment Claudio Zucca, Nadia Vignozzi, Mahmut Dingil, Franco Previtali, Selim Kapur, pp. 5-8.
Link Biological properties of paleosols and present-day soils in Arkaim and its surrounding area, south Urals, Russia Hirohiko Nagano, So Sugihara, Ikumi Utsugi, Mai Adachi, Fumina Okubo, Satoshi Horaguchi, Miwa Matsushima, Susumu Okitsu, Valentina E. Prikhodko, Elena Manakhova, Gennady B.Zdanovich, Dmitry G. Zdanovich, Shinya Funakawa, Masayuki Kawahigashi, Kazuyuki Inubushi, pp. 9-12.
Link Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions associated with tropical peatland degradation Ryusuke Hatano, Takashi Inoue, Untung Darung, Suwido H. Limin, Tomoaki Morishita, Fumiaki Takaki, Yo Toma, Hiroyuki Yamada, pp. 13-16.
Link Carbon fractions and enzymatic activities in two cultivated dryland soils under conservation tillage Sebastiana Melero, Rosa Lopez-Garrido, Engracia Madejon, Jose Manuel Murillo, Karl Vanderlinden, Rafaela Ordonez, Felix Moreno, pp. 17-20.
Link Changes in carbon and nitrogen stocks following conversion of plantation forest to dairy pasture on Vitrands (Pumice Soils), New Zealand Riki Lewis, Megan Balks, Louis Schipper, David Lowe, pp. 21-23.
Link Development of a soil carbon benchmark matrix for central west NSW Brian Murphy, Brian Wilson, Andrew Rawson, pp. 24-27.
Link Development of a soil quality decision support tool to identify and support best management practices Erin J Lawrence, Michael H Beare, Craig S. Tregurtha, pp. 28-31.
Link Distribution of forms of soil potassium in the Central highlands of Papua New Guinea and its implications to subsistence sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) production Rajashekhar Rao Bangady Killur, John S. Bailey, Robin Walter, pp. 32-35.
Link Distribution patterns of Collembola affected by extensive grazing in different vegetation types Karoline Uteseny, Jan Frouz, Thomas Drapela, pp. 36-39.
Link Effects of parent material and land use on soil phosphorus forms in Southern Belgium Malorie Renneson, Joseph Dufey, Laurent Bock, Gilles Colinet, pp. 40-43.
Link Impact of land use changes on soil carbon pools, gross nitrogen fluxes and nitrifying and denitrifying communities Sylvie Recous, Xavier Leroux, Eleonore Attard, Gilles Lemaire, Francois Laurent, Abad Chabbi, Bernard Nicolardot, Frank Poly, pp. 44-47.
Link Impact of short rotation forestry on soil ecological services Norbert Lamersdorf, Hubert Schulte-Bisping, pp. 48-51.
Link Impacts of conversion from forestry to pasture on soil physical properties of Vitrands (Pumice Soils) in central North Island, New Zealand Djuro Paripovich, Megan R. Balks, Louis A. Schipper, David J. Lowe, pp. 52-54.
Link Land use change in the tropics and its effect on soil fertility Alfred E. Hartemink, pp. 55-58.
Link Land-use change from indigenous management to cattle grazing initiates the gullying of alluvial soils in northern Australia Jeffrey Shellberg, Andrew Brooks, John Spencer, pp. 59-62.
Link Mitigating global warming by improving terrestrial biotic carbon flux BK Sinha, A Hembrom, M Mahto, S Choudahry, pp. 63-66.
Link Nutrient input through litter in riparian forest in different stages of ecological succession Rafael C. Fior, Marcio R. Soares, Jose C. Casagrande, pp. 67-70.
Link Nutrient status of cocoa (Theobromae cacao) in Papua New Guinea: results from a survey Paul N. Nelson, Chris Fidelis, Michael J. Webb, Suzanne Berthelsen, David Yinil, pp. 71-74.
Link Potential of Quesungual agroforestry system as a land use management strategy to generate multiple ecosystem services from sub-humid tropical hillsides Mariela Rivera, Oscar Ferreira, Edgar Amezquita, Aracely Castro, Idupulapati M. Rao, pp. 75-78.
Link Resalinization and low productivity of recently reclaimed salt � affected soils N. M. Muhawish , I. B. Razaq, S. C. Al-Kaysi, pp. 79-82.
Link Response of soil carbon pools to plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands of different land-use history Marc Breulmann, Elke Schulz, Francois Buscot, pp. 83-86.
Link Response of soil microorganisms to land-use change in China, Ecuador and Germany Ute Hamer, pp. 87-90.
Link Soil attributes along an agricultural-forested gradient in a riparian zone Fernando Guerra, Marcio R. Soares, Jose C. Casagrande, Aline P. Puga, Jose G. Peres, Silvana P. Meneghin, Eduardo M. B. Prata, pp. 91-94.
Link Soil quality benefits of break crops and/ or crop rotations-a review Raj Malik, pp. 95-98.
Link Soil quality in a semi-arid Mediterranean soil as affected by tillage system and residue burning Inigo Virto, Maria Jose Imaz, Iker Mijangos, Javier Hernandez-Allica, Oihane Fernandez-Ugalde, Carlos Garbisu, Paloma Bescansa, Alberto Enrique, pp. 99-102.
Link Soils as a target of anthropogeographic landscape changes in alpine areas (Dolomites, northern Italy) Claudio Bini, Diana Maria Zilioli, Mohammad Wahsha, pp. 103-105.
Link The Brigalow catchment study: More than 20 years of monitoring water balance and soil fertility of brigalow lands after clearing for cropping or pasture Craig Thornton, Bruce Radford, Mark Silburn, Bruce Cowie, pp. 106-109.
Link The effect of climate and land use change on soil respiratory fluxes Erica Cacciotti, Matt Saunders, Brian Tobin, Bruce Osborne, pp. 110-113.
Link The impacts of land use on the risk of soil erosion on agricultural land in Canada Sheng Li, David A. Lobb, Brian G. McConkey, pp. 114-117.
Link Understanding the local pedological and ecological impacts of dust emitted from Cowal Gold Mine Adrienne Ryan, Stephen Cattle, pp. 118-121.
Link Use of ecological agriculture as soil management system to improve soil properties and to mitigate greenhouse effect Antonio Sanchez Navarro, Arantzazu Blanco Bernardeau, Purificacion Marin Sanleandro, Maria Jose Delgado Iniesta, Juana Maria Gil Vazquez, Roque Ortiz Silla, pp. 122-125.

Symposium 4.4.1 Delivering soils information to non-agriculture users

Symposium 4.4.1 Delivering soils information to non-agriculture users

Link 2010 soils planner - development of the US soil survey Maxine J. Levin, Samuel Stalcup, J. Douglas Helms, Paul Reich, Hariharan Eswaran, Carolyn Olson, Bob Gresh, pp. 1-3.
Link Analysis of the information and data requests to a national soil data centre Anne Richer De Forges, Dominique Arrouays,pp. 4-5.
Link E-learning for improving soil use and management in Andalusia, Spain Ana Pedrera Leon, Karl Vanderlinden, Francisco Javier Jimenez Crespo, Luis Perez Nager, pp. 6-9.
Link ENSA - European network on soil awareness Gabriele Broll,pp. 10-11.
Link Exploration of global soil resources using Google Earth Paul Reich, Amy Yeh, Hari Eswaran,pp. 12-14.
Link Field day: a case study examining scientists� oral performance skills Ann D. Jabro, Jay D. Jabro,pp. 15-18.
Link SASSA: an open source, Wiki soil based knowledge and decision support tool for archaeologists Clare Wilson, Donald Davidson, David Cairns, Julie Cowie, Martin Blunn,pp. 19-22.
Link Soil and landscape visualisation on the internet Mark Imhof, Pauline Mele, Hayden Lewis, Matthew Cox, Wayne Harvey, Damian Bougoure, Richard MacEwan, Gemma Heemskerk, David Cummings, Christopher Pettit, Angela Fadersen, Sonia Thompson, David Rees, Doug Crawford, pp. 23-26.
Link The challenge for soil research to establish creative interaction with stakeholders and policy makers Johan Bouma, pp. 27-29.
Link Using monoliths to communicate soil information Roy Lawire, Brett Enman,pp. 30-33.
Link Citizen Scientists: Where science meets society � Soil Science Society of America efforts to inject science into policymaking Karl Glasener,pp. 34.

Symposium 4.4.2 Attracting (young) people to a soils career

Symposium 4.4.2 Attracting (young) people to a soils career

Link Attracting bright students to pursue studies in soil science: A case study Stephen Anderson, pp. 1-4.
Link Bringing soil science to non-science university students and visa versa Ray R. Weil, pp. 5-8.
Link Can making soils more entertaining to encourage young people�s interest in soils? Colin D. Campbell, Willie Towers, Lorna, Dawson, Malcolm Coull, pp. 9-12.
Link Digital resources to excite students about soil science George E. Van Scoyoc, John G. Graveel, pp. 13-16.
Link Problem-based learning and e-learning approach to teaching introductory soil science course Abdou A. Soaud, pp. 17-19.
Link Soil awareness and education � developing a pan European approach Willie Towers, Rachel Creamer, Gabriele Broll, Frederic Darboux, Olaf Duewel, Stephen Hallett, Beata Houskova, Arwyn Jones, Franc Lobnik, Erika Micheli, Pandi Zdruli, pp. 20-23.
Link Soil science education in China: present and future Jingguo Wang, Daru Mao,Yulong Zhang,Gengxing Pan, Fusuo Zhang, Baoguo Li, pp. 24-25.
Link Striking a match: How to ignite a passion for soils Abigail Jenkins, pp. 26-29.
Link The need for soil science amateurs Tony Koppi, Damien Field , Alex McBratney, Alfred Hartemink, pp. 30-33.
Link Towards a dirtier Australia: Facing the future soil management challenges B. C. T Macdonald, J. Drake, Z. Reid, S. Dovers S, pp. 34-37.

Symposium 4.5.1 Soil science: history, philosophy and sociology

Symposium 4.5.1 Soil science: history, philosophy and sociology

Link A geodatabase of the soil cultural heritage of Italy Edoardo A. C. Costantini, Giovanni L�Abate, pp. 1-4.
Link A history of rhizosphere research � roots to a solution Peter J. Gregory, pp. 5-7.
Link Historical approach of the role of earthworms and termites in soil functioning Eric Blanchart, Alain Brauman, Michel Brossard, Arnaud Duboisset, Christian Feller, pp. 8-11.
Link Micromorphological evidence for the use of urban waste as a soil fertiliser in and near to historic Scottish towns Kirsty A. Golding, Donald A. Davidson, Clare A. Wilson, pp. 12-15.
Link Soil fertility management and its contribution to the formation of Amazonian dark earths in urban Homegardens, Santarem, Para, Brazil A. M. G. A. WinklerPrins, N. Falcao, pp. 16-18.
Link Soil profiles: the more we see, the more we understand Alfred E. Hartemink, pp. 19-21.
Link The historical legacy of Anthrosols at Sandhavn, south Greenland Kirsty A. Golding, Ian A. Simpson, pp. 22-25.

Symposium 4.5.2 Soil and Human Culture

Symposium 4.5.2 Soil and Human Culture

Link Blood, guts, gore and soil: decomposition processes in graves and forensic taphonomic applications Mark Tibbett, pp. 1-4.
Link More than dirt: a new view of Soil and Culture Edward Landa, Christian Feller, pp. 5-7.
Link Soil art: bridging the communication gap Alexandra R. Toland, Gerd Wessolek, pp. 8-12.
Link Soil in comics Anne Richer de Forges, Frank Verheijen, Dominique Arrouays, Eric Blanchart, Martial Bernoux, pp. 13-14.
Link The comic strip: a good means of communication on soil! Anne Richer de Forges, Dominique Arrouays, Eric Blanchart and Martial Bernoux, pp. 15-16.
Link The representation of soil in the Western Art: From genesis to pedogenesis Christian Feller, Lydie Chapuis-lardy, Fiorenzo Ugolini, pp. 17-19.
Link The use of scientific and indigenous knowledge in agricultural land evaluation and soil fertility studies of two villages in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Nkosinomusa Buthelezi, Jeffrey Hughes, Albert Modi, pp. 20-23.

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